e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Ubiquitous Learning (Admin Update 3)

Ubiquitous Learning—so that learning extends beyond the walls of the classroom and the cells of the timetable. Learning that breaks out of these spatial and temporal confinements, should be as good as, or even better than, the best traditional classroom learning. It should also produce habits of mind appropriate to our times, producing lifelong learners, able to learn and to share knowledge throughout their lives, in all contexts, and grounded in those contexts.

All Levels of Participation: Make a comment below this update about the ways in which ubiquitous learning technologies can change the nature of learning. Respond to others' comments with @name.

Additional Introductory and Advanced Participation: Make an update introducing a ubiquitous learning concept on the community page (not your personal page - because only peers will see that!). Define the concept and provide at least one example of the concept in practice. Be sure to add links or other references, and images or other media to illustrate your point. If possible, select a concept that nobody has addressed yet so we get a well-balanced view of ubiquitous learning. Also, comment on at least three or four updates by other participants. Ubiquitous learning concepts might include:

  • Ubiquitous computing
  • Cloud computing
  • Web 2.0
  • The flipped classroom
  • Blended learning
  • Over-the-shoulder learning
  • Virtual schools
  • The internet of things
  • Mobile learning
  • Social media learning
  • Networked learning
  • Informal learning
  • Lifelong and lifewide learning
  • Work and community-based learning
  • Learning management systems
  • ePortfolios
  • Collaborative workspaces
  • MOOCs
  • Suggest a ubiquitous learning concept in need of definition!
  • Michelle Boardman
  • Julio Ernesto Rojas Mesa
  • Midhun Sreenivasan
  • Sara Bowen
  • Martina Javůrková
  • Martina Javůrková
  • Midhun Sreenivasan
  • Matthew Garratt
  • Claudia Arias
  • Sara Bowen