e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Is it important to know who is the class? Week4

Is it important to know who is the class?

In a traditional classroom, the teacher does not need to know the (dis)abilities of the students. The teacher only cares about giving as much as knowledge as possible at the reserved time blog for his/her course. Now, we are all sure that the students do need different learning methods which means that the teacher should change his/her traditional way of teaching very quickly. This change should include diversity learning, adaptive learning according to the pace of the students. It is important to give the knowledge in various ways like videos, podcasts, games and leave students free to choose the most suitable for their way of learning for their own pace.

It is very important for a teacher to know the (dis)abilities and the learning style (visual, logical, auditory, physical, verbal) of the students to organize the content presentation and assessment methods.

In the study of Suresh, et all, 2021, they analysed to predict the e-learning styles of the 32594 students with the data (student id, gender, highest education, region, studied credits, number of previous attempts, final result and time duration) of weblog information. It is been suggested that customized contents that fit the students’ requirements and enhance the learning. The e-learning system model should recognize the new learner’s style and suggest the suitable content in a suitable way for them. With the help of the outcome of this analysis, the fast and slow learners can be managed in the same pot as the teacher organized the lesson content in a suitable way. In this class, all of the learners and the teacher will be happy with the e-learning technology and data mining working at the back.

In a study, the researchers showed that there is a positive relationship between YouTube videos and e-Learning among disable individuals. (Talat et all, 2021)

Adaptive learning is the chance for students named disabled by the traditional class.


Suresh K., Meghana J. Pooja M.E., “Predicting the E-learners Learning Style by Using Support Vector Regression Technique, Proceeding of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems (ICAIS-2021) IEEE Xplore Oart Number:CFP21OAB-ART: ISBM:978-1-7281-9537-7

Tahat K.M., Al-Sarayrah W., Salloum S.A., Habes M., Ali S. (2022) The Influence of YouTube Videos on the Learning Experience of Disabled People During the COVID-19 Outbreak. In: Hassanien AE., Elghamrawy S.M., Zelinka I. (eds) Advances in Data Science and Intelligent Data Communication Technologies for COVID-19. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 378. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77302-1_13