e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Creating Engagement in Virtual learning

In my research to promote student engagement in e-learning I have realised that trainers need to develop certain special skill set to be able to engage their audience virtually

Trainers who train online need to anser these questions

What works and what does not work online?
How to make virtual learning fun and enjoyable?What special training tools have to be used while teaching online? How to keep your audience engaged online? (For teachers, team leaders, CEO’s and social influencers)
How to know if the students are following along and interested?
How to build Trust, Credibility and Rapport among the students?
How to conduct practical activities online?
How to deliver online training in the best possible way?
How to know if your students are learning enough?
How to assess audience attention and know their reactions?
How to ensure that students repeatedly come back to your trainings?
How to plan, create and deliver the most effective online training?
How to elicit the best responses from the trainees?
How to handle Q & A sessions? What do you do if you are asked a question of which you do not know the answer?
When and Where to use updated and latest online tools?
How to tackle technical issues and ensure technically flawless sessions?
How to build your reputation as an online trainer?

Trying th answer these questions would mean a shift or trnasition from the traditional teach methodologies to a more virtual oriented enviroment and undertanding the psychology of e-learning. How people behave while online is very different to how they behave when the are in a physical calssroom

The whole dynamincs of groups differe when people are online. Hence a trainer needs to first identify the parameters of online haviour and then try to address them with creative tools of learning 

I conduct a pupular workshop title 'Create Your Extra' whereby trainers learn how to engage their studetns by Creating Energy, Xcitement, Trust, Rapport and Activity oin their online sessions. All trainers who are conducting training online needs to transtiion to these new skills 

  • Fn Un
  • Lisa Peel