e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

An Introduction to VR Education

With education systems being forced into digital environments because of the ongoing pandemic, it will be interesting for us to investigate the possibility of VR Education. Initially, VRs or Virtual Reality technologies were used to supplement learning in simulated environments since 1956 (The Franklin Institute, 2020). It was later developed for other disciplines from aeronautics, aviation, architecture and other industries that would require your different senses to function to achieve better understanding of environments and technicalities of the spaces that is provided by this technology.

The breakthrough of VR to public consumers came from the entertainment industry mainly through games. Gamification have already proven how it allows players to learn skills and knowledge through narratives and role-playing. Thus, student learning and engagement is present in the use of the technology itself (Babich, 2019). Given the advantages of gamification in learning, it is no surprise that VR Education is now emerging VR Education encompasses the entire meaning of multiliteracies in a way that it requires constant if not simultaneous shifting from different modes of representation with the possibility of feedback if one is linked to the internet while playing or being in VR tech.

Currently, everyone is craving for any form of interaction with the outside world and with others and VR is one possibility of creating your own classroom or maybe your own field trip. It allows learners to consume knowledge by doing for example a simulation of something as simple as driving and produce knowledge by creating virtual spaces.

Here in the Philippines, I know this is still far from our reality given how little our resources are in terms of technology and connectivity. Although the possibility of VR Education around the globe is still far from where we are right now, it is exciting to also imagine how these will change our activities and interactions with our learners and with other educators as well.

Works Cited

Babich, N. (2019, September 19). How VR in Education Will Change How We Learn and teach. Retrieved from Adobe: https://xd.adobe.com/ideas/principles/emerging-technology/virtual-reality-will-change-learn-teach/

The Franklin Institute. (2020). The History of Virtual Reality. Retrieved from The Franklin Institute: https://www.fi.edu/virtual-reality/history-of-virtual-reality




  • Trenton Rich