e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates



Collective Intelligence (CI), also known as Interactive Management, is a methodology gathering stakeholders around a given complex issue in order to develop a collective ground for thinking and working together leading to the production of an effective framework for action. Moreover, CI is a facilitation and problem-solving method that has been previously used to address issues, such as promoting world peace, improving tribal governance process in Native American communities and reducing the threat of antibiotic resistance as a quality of life problem. The collective intelligence is very instrumental in e-learning.

One of the most common collective intelligence web tools for sharing ideas and garnering responses is a blog, a website used by an individual, group or an organisation to document news or thoughts and which is written in the style of a journal or diary. "Blog" is a shortened form of the original name, "web log". Blogs can be used to improve student writing, especially for developing skill in analysis and critique. Blog platforms allow for inclusion and display of multimedia, which may offer an advantage over paper submissions. Blogs provide a means for student response to or discussion of outside-of-class readings that are not adequately covered during class. They can be useful as a forum for group projects, or act as a collaborative authoring tool for students to develop and present a group assignment or project. Blogs can be a place where students reflect on readings, much as analog journaling was used as a pedagogical tool in the past.

Sarah Lohnes, a doctoral candidate at the Teachers College of Columbia University. She cites the following “necessary ingredients” for creating effective class blogs:

Blog posts should be original, “well-crafted,” “well- informed”.
There should be] an authentic purpose for maintaining the blog.
A blog should offer a window into the author’s identity and community affiliations.
A blog should take advantage of the medium to offer a sense of immediacy and intimacy.

Example of blog

I have created this blog; https://strategycllass.edublogs.org/. The students are expected to contribute to the blog guided by the topics for every week during the course.


