e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Gamifying the Game Design Classroom

Growing up I had acess to a lot of educational games, but very little access to "other" games. As a result, I got really into some of those educational games, because my desire to play games meant I would play almost anything I had access to.

These days I teach game design at the college level, and one thought that has fascinated me is why we work so hard to "gamify" things like math and english and science, yet in our game design classes we seem to expect the material itself to be entertaining on its own.

I think that gamifying game design classes would add an extra layer of subconcious learning - students would be experiencing their game design education through the lens of actually playing a game.

This is something I am planning to explore in my classes as I gain more experience as a teacher and a better understanding of how students learn.

  • Humberto Cunha