e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

If Only SRA had Metacognition Built In!

Here is how I did SRA (as referenced in the videos on metacognition) back in the day. I grabbed a card, I read it as fast as I could, I answered the questions and quickly, as quickly as possible, I went for the next card. I forgot one part of completing the SRA - I was checking out Christina, the smartest girl in the class, to see if I could do my cards even faster than she did. What was I learning? Probably nothing. I was just trying to prove that I was as good a reader as Christina. The content didn't matter that much to me. I wonder if metacognition could have slowed me down, produced less anxiety, and helped me learn more. Collaboration is great, but competition is part of our DNA (the reason capitalism stinks but is still better than any other system). But I believe using metacognition or self-reflection can help us slow down, feel less competitive and create more opportunities of learning.

The e-learning ecologies can help foster metacognition or self-reflection by using strategies outlined in this course; peer reviews, feedback, differentiation, and personalization of learning, but if not handled with the skill by the educator, the ecologies can also be used to replicate the SRA method, and that is a method that should not be replicated! The whole process needs to be slowed down, which is why if I were designing an e-learning ecology, I would use an inquiry based model, with less emphasis on the produced artifact and more emphasis on the production itself. Here is an inquiry model I designed for an organization:

This model of inquiry has a built-in metacognition process that is recursive and self-paced. Each part of the process builds to student flexibility and freedom. The teacher's role shifts throughout the process as the student moves from consumer to producer. 

For more information:




Inquiry Mindset: Nurturing the Dreams, Wonders, and Curiosities of Our Youngest Learners,Trevor MacKenzie, Rebecca Bathurst-Hunt, 2018

  • Victor Lucas Cavalcante