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If Mahabharat was wrote in Multimodal era .....

The Mahabharat is one of the two major Sanskrit (one of the oldest language) epics of ancient India, the other being the Ramayaṇa. It narrates the struggle between two groups of cousins in the Kurukshetra War and the fates of the Kaurava and the Paṇḍava princes and their successors.

Original book was written in the form of Shlokas( is a poetic form used in Sanskrit, the classical language of India) as follows .There were no images includes in the book .

0 नारायणं नमस्कृत्य नरं चैव नरॊत्तमम
देवीं सरस्वतीं चैव ततॊ जयम उदीरयेत
1 लॊमहर्षणपुत्र उग्रश्रवाः सूतः पौराणिकॊ नैमिषारण्ये शौनकस्य कुलपतेर दवादशवार्षिके सत्रे
2 समासीनान अभ्यगच्छद बरह्मर्षीन संशितव्रतान
विनयावनतॊ भूत्वा कदा चित सूतनन्दनः

Imagine such epics with all the modern tool ,graphics , animations , audios ,videos etc .

Poster explaining use of Mutimodal tool

The war can always be expalined in better with the help of videos rathher than words 

Gif fo final war of Mahabharat

Similar ideas can be applied to preparation of knowledge.