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Role of Internet of Things in Ubiquitous Learning

Learning outcome is the single most factor which describes the performance of any academic institution now a days. To achieve the learning outcome, every single educational institution embracing more and more technologies. In this idiosyncratic shift, Internet of Things (IoT) plays a vital role. IoT in education is ready to be a distinct advantage since an ever increasing number of instructive organizations are utilizing associated keen gadgets to help the effectively accessible e-learning and smartboard foundation.

The IoT is fundamentally a system of a few gadgets which are joined with random software, hardware, and system network of unmistakable directions, planned for trading and incorporating of any sort of data. Simple accessibility and reasonableness of cloud administrations are assuming a crucial job in expanded prevalence of IoT empowered gadgets. Exceptionally redid applications customized to academic establishments' prerequisite are frequently grown rapidly. Boundless storage with ‘pay as you use’ option guarantees that storing, analyzing, and accessing to information was rarely simpler or less expensive.

The IoT technology can be used for the following adaptations which are crucial for importing education through latest technologies:

Addressing the alternatively abled and special need students

Alternatively abled and special need students are free to learn at their own pace, IoT enabled devices can be used to undue their stress of peer pressure. For example a visually challenged student can wear a Virtual Reality tool to view a smartboard. By incorporating such technologies we can eradicate the need of special curriculum and facilities for the alternatively abled and special need students.

Project based learning (PBL)

With the help of flipped classroom implementations, learners comes with fundamental knowledge of the topic to be covered and practice at the classroom to ensure the conception of the topic. The IoT network and connected devices ensure that collaboration and sharing of knowledge amongst the learners to complete their assigned tasks.

Smart Textbooks

Recall searching through library stacks looking for references and bolster materials? With IoT innovation, that has become a relic of times gone by. Practically all course readings, today has a QR code that can be scanned so as to get the course book on his/her gadgets. They can without much of a stretch download it or spare the book to iBooks and start perusing anyplace.

Connected smart Classrooms

IoT-powered smart classrooms will turn into a reality soon. Smart classrooms can join a many IoT sensors and devices to improve the nature of education. For example, wearables can help decide if learners are feeling fatigue and disengaged. In light of this information, instructors may choose to enjoy a short reprieve or reschedule the lecture. A smart classroom has AR-empowered smartboards that show advanced and drawing in recordings on themes being talked about. Learners use VR headsets to have a vivid experience. The instructor can consequently stack assignments and activities to be done on their learners' gadgets as the teaching advances, once in a while only by expressing the word task or assignment.

Global Education

IoT can be a key empowering agent of instructing learners around the world. Students can remain in the solace of their homes and associate with teachers and different learners over the globe. Digital highlighters and smart whiteboards can move class notes to smartphones, workstations, and work areas.