e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Ubiqutous learning in Clinical Medicine in India

Ubiquitous learning in Clinical Medicine in India: The process of learning in Medicine is essentially through apprenticeship and a lot of it is informal, on the job learning or workplace learning. It has also become today, evidence based practice which is not based on anecdotal single physician experience but on guidelines based on patient statistics and trials. With these three basic needs in place(informal, apprenticeship, evidence based), arises the need for reliable, ethnically and geographically appropriate byte sized learning tools and sources of information along with expert opinion. So for example what would be the best methods to diagnose and treat a case of pulmonary tuberculosis in a peripheral district hospital in India? What is readily available to every person is a smart phone. Basic content which is in context needs to be developed and discussion forums lead by senior physicians for guidence, where each specific problem can be adressed could be part of the solution. There is also a need to breakdown current barriers to tranparency and openess that limit a free discussion between aspiring young doctors and senior physicians.
