e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Active Knowledge Making and Research-Based Education

The "Active knowledge making" consists of giving students an opportunity to build their understanding about the subject being taught, challenging the old method of "just telling them what it is". By having students model their own learning path, they will be able to strengthen certain skills that are much more important than just memorizing content.

To carry out AKM, we have a range of tools, such as:

Research Based Education,


Project Base Learning,















among others.


I would particularly like to address the concept of Research-Based Education defined from two case studies; the first study was done in Thailand, applied to university students of education (future educators); the second case was in Indonesia applied to primary schools.

I take these two cases, since one of my main motivations for learning about e-learning education is to find better ways to apply this new "classroom" in countries where the use of virtual platforms, by students as well as teachers, is very backward compared to the case of North America or Europe.

The definition of Research-Based Education, RBE, on which the study in Indonesia was based is "a model of learning that is associated with activities such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation, and enables students and teachers to improve their assimilation and application of knowledge. Research-based learning takes place in a constructive framework that embraces four aspects: learning that builds students' understanding, learning through the development of prior knowledge, learning that involves a process of social interaction, and meaningful learning that is achieved through real-world experience. Research is an important means of improving the quality of learning. Components of research include background, procedures, application, research results and discussion, and publication of research results. Research-based learning is a system of instruction that uses an authentic discovery approach - learning, problem solving, cooperative, hands-on and inquiry learning, guided by a constructivist philosophy”.

While the definition of RBE used a priori by the Thai study, "RBE is an instructional system that uses a genuine learning, problem solving, cooperative learning, practice and research discovery approach, guided by a constructivist philosophy. Its usefulness had been recognized for many decades, but many had not adopted 'classroom research' as a teaching method (Lockwood, 1994)".

Likewise, researchers characterize the Thai classroom for its "passive learning" style. For this reason, research-based learning would be an effective way to change students' learning and practice on how to learn by doing.

In addition, several research studies on which this study was based revealed that "students' understanding of new knowledge was poor, which could be explained by the fact that students in primary and secondary schools could not study, discover or investigate the new lesson or knowledge on their own. Because of the design of instruction in the past, teachers' rules were important in the classroom, students had learned from teaching and teachers' stories”.

The question now is, how do we apply RBE through the virtual classroom?



Saptuti Susiani, T. and Salimi, M. (2018). Research Based Learning (RBL): How Improve Critical Thinking Skills. Primary Teacher Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, 57126 Surakarta, Indonesia. https://doi.org/10.1051/shsconf/20184200042

Poonpan, S. and Suwanmankha, S. (2005). Indicators of Research - Based Learning Instructional Process :A Case Study of Best Practice in a Primary School. ARRE Anual Conference Parramatta.

Dragonas, T., Kenneth, J., McNamee, S., Tseliou, E. (2015). Education as Social Construction Contributions to Theory, Research and Practice. Taos Institute Publications/WorldShare Books

  • Marcela Rondoni