e-Learning Ecologies Case Studies’s Updates

Aundri Bridges:"A person using technologies of learning in an innovative way"

As we had learnt of ubiquitous learning, that its agreeable learning taking place anytime and anywhere, but in the paving of our ways through college, we are endeared to think of it as an affectual betterment of ourselves! As in the case of something being taught to the most of us, and we are to keep it handy or use it as a must cause of endeavor at all times. "A person using technologies of learning in an innovative", from a teaching stand point, some of the times, but too often shut off the many ambitious persons such as, "you and I". At Grand canyon University I had begun to be an enthuse participant as a learner. Then my knowledge fell somewhat on the usual pursecuting of a middle aged person such as myself. Notingly the grade point average I had at first was 3.70, with in 7 courses done while at Grand Canyon University, and 1 repeat I began to have difficulties with my instructor acceptances of my written papers.

A person using technologies of learning in an innovative way, from the learners intent. We see the learners, are given skills and potential growth to appeal dislikeable situations. Coming from the teachers stand point, they are not using formative assessment, such as a truth being told correctly in the lines of recursive feedbacks! But as well, informative of detaching you or I away from the community and its faculty. This are an engrievience of the online educating programs that I have been accustomed towards from the beginning of my online learning situation. It are the most in erred situation accurent with the college level educating upon the online today still! My most telling in efforts at Grand Canyon University, in economics 225,I looked to be getting just excellent grading reports. And the instructor shown to be wanting my grading reports cut down some. 

While more real time issues about the use of technologies do come upon us in particular facets of a learning situation. Most of the time the news, a great movie another person has mentioned to you, or any exculsive media articles of the world an interest do deture your learning stage. That is why! There is a need to fit authority in for more formative assessment by the teachers to be given. The use of innovative ways in the learning situations has given technologies an edge and does bring along with it advent settings particularly too pressing of you and I! This active knowledge, of designing a meaning creates more work load in the efforts of learning. It makes you and I very unsincered at our learning phase, and you and I may start handing in our work a bit behind the deadlines of 11:55 and 11:59 for college level studies. The use of technology has made its learners more subseptible towards anything but a continued aftermath of active learning situations, of pass or failure of grading reports.

"The use of technologies of learning in an innovative way", brings with it many modes of achieving true sensitudes from the learning situations. Why? With collaborative Intelligence the students work altogether to motivate each other in surviving at doing colege level work! We are asked? To work upon a solvent discussion, or critique another learners discussion question! Because each area of study is overly cased and held upon for our opinions and review, as discussions. There is always a technique to learning and we do what is necessary to get over the boundaries. We have people learning to fit their own needs, differentiated learning. This may include the teachers with the use of technologies of learning in an innovative way. They are learning to DOS(denial of services),the learning situation, by having an substitute teacher come in for a week or two learning situation. And this makes a complete othered arrangement, in a classroom upon several occassions this denial of service became a routine this way. Some of Grand Canyon University instructors do not reset their tests and quizzes, if you are late turning them in, you will receive a failing grade, or no grade.

My instructor gave me a grading of 68.2, and stated the reasons were an sentence conjugation, even towards it being that his resources had been outdated over this concern. In my recursive feedback! My instructor noted that I did not follow the particular writing instructions for the underclassmen. Also he stated I did not double space of which the paper had been doubled spaced. the 2 main experiences thatt presented the argument one needs not be to mettlesome of the other. A written completed paper, and just as comparative to the 50 answerable questions of a quiz or test. In satifying a conclusive thought of knowing the work or not, at times this would take away a learners strides to accomplish getting a higher educational degree. I tried appealling the grading report, but have not heard back from the Grand Canyon University appeals commity as of today. The help technology team must show more integrity at keeping a learnt experience alive. And a visual content are needed, metacognition to see that the learners do succeed. More alerts are needed at Grand Canyon University to prevent any perversed mishandlings of a learner , such as myself did experience there to fulfill the handing down of a grading report toward the classroom portal! A perosn using technologies in an innovative way has to keep up with his /her strides to accomplish their educational goals as well. A lot of chances are taken away from persons with just hope enough to be treated fairly, any person using technologies of learning in an innovative way.

  • Sena Zuch
  • Jenny23 rao23