LDL Students and Alumni’s Updates

Career Dev: Summary of Questions from our session on 1/31/2022

Here are some topics that came up on our call last night. We'd love to hear everyone's input. Some of these are similar to existing threads.

  1. Currently in higher ed instructional design space, but interested to move into workforce development ID space
  2. Getting into higher ed and how to move from P-12 to Higher Ed; how to get experience
  3. Looking to move into academia full time, looking to make connections
  4. Job ideas of what to do when we finish with the EdD and ready to transition out of K-12
  5. What can I do to be proactive as a new EdD student? I want to be prepared and not wait until graduation.
  6. What type of research should we be conducting if we are looking into higher ed either as a faculty and/or leading a student teacher or similar program
  7. What are some elective areas or courses targeted at K-12 educators who want to stay there?
  8. What are some elective areas or courses targeted at K-12 educators who want to move to higher ed or a corporate or non-profit space?
  9. General career development tips.
  • Derek Attig
  • Derek Attig