Negotiating Learner Differences MOOC’s Updates

My Education Rights Statement

The right to education should be a human right and not a privilege granted to some, but a basic human right granted to all fairly and equitably. Historically the right to education hasn't always been granted to all and if so it hasn't been equal among people of color and women. In an ideal world, our educational system would legally guarantee that everyone could and would receive a good education without discrimination or bias. Because many are unaware that the word "education" does not appear in the United States Constitution, and federal courts have rejected the idea that education is important enough that it should be protected(Davis, 2017). So that leaves it up to each individual state to put measures in place to regulate their state's educational system.

In this ideal world, the educational system would be set up to make sure that ALL students learned based on their individual learning style in a safe, respectful, healthy, and nourishing environment. All the ways that education has been denied in the past ie: race, socio-economic status, ability, gender, religion, etc. would be considered illegal. The government would write education into and amend the constitution to make education a priority, hence aking a lot of responsibilities from the states. But states would still have to make sure the inequalities weren't happening and any states found to be in violation/ deprivation of the rights to education would be held accountable. States would have the obligation to protect, respect, and fulfill the right to education for all its citizens.