Negotiating Learner Differences MOOC’s Updates

Race in 2020

As a black woman in the United States of America, my view on the current state of race and ethnic relations is that there is much work to be done and things are continually getting worse. Which seems to be the same thoughts people had in 2019 as well. According to an article written by Anna Brown, in April 2019 and published on the Pew Research Center site. The article states that “a majority of Americans say race relations are generally bad and many think the country hasn't made enough progress toward racial equality." Which I feel is right on target with there is also a great divide between Democrats and Republicans on the same views.

There is so much that separates the people in this country that range from skin color, religion, ethnicity, language, culture, economics, education, personal biases, voting/voter rights, and so much more. It is such a sad thing to allow any of these things to become barriers, but they have and continue to be. The racial inequality in the United States is such that I am not sure that black people will ever have equal rights. This really makes me sad, but the reality is that we seem to be reliving the Civil Right Era in the midst of a global pandemic of epic proportions. We are living in a country divided by race and politics; it has been said a house divided cannot stand; so how then can a nation stand?

Until we make an honest effort to sit down and try to understand each other with caring and compassion in our hearts nothing will change. We are focused on removing everything offensive and I do understand those things dredge up hurtful memories and I agree with there removal. But that is only a part of solving the issue of racial inequality in this country. Once those are gone then there are some laws that will require revision, views/biases changed, the inclusion of all people, and then and only then will we really live out the true meaning of the Declaration of Independence.