New Learning MOOC’s Updates

Recent changes in the nature of education

There has been significantly changes on education in Ecuador the last dedade, many of them are perceptible and others keep developing in a economic, legal and social background response.

The first issue Ecuador had to face was the Covid-19 pandemy. Due to the quarantine and social distance, the education had to move to virtual environments, however, not all the students couldn't afford the equipment to continue their education. As a result, non-finished students' index increase. 

Subsecuently, Ecuador's government consider mental health as important as education. Throughout the last few years, young population speacially students evolve depression, anxiety and fear in their day to day life. As a matter of fact, education should address social quality with the same resources and environments, secure enough to develop a curriculum and pedagogy adequately.

In this context 'New Learning' is a promising evolution in education to solve currently problems, new year demands. The curriculum have change, there is a pedagogy in which students have to learn how to learn 'Meta Learning', they are the principal character and the material accomplish to meet useful skills and knowledge. 

Daily the classroom and specifically the institutions of learning are still traditional ones, it must engage students. More and more colleges are globalized, even though, along these years goverment investment in education has decreased. There is a specialized population of teachers who is minimized and not all the people has the resources to reach specialized instruction.