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Technology and Education

Due to the revolution of technology, many scholars believe that there will be an incredible change in the education system along with the nonstop inventions expect that there will be a continuous change in the existing description of professions. It is believed by many, that soon the traditional classroom education will now be abandoned and will not be able to prepare students enough for the challenges and demands of the real world. However, there are also passionate people in education that argue with these conclusions. In my opinion, we have to be very careful with the immediate implementation of this advancement in technology in the classroom, first because of the potential consequences, such as increasing social gap, regression of young people cognitive and academic development that may prove lasting, and a possible increase in the number of people who might suffer mental illness. Although we cannot deny the big help of technology in education. Technology provides easy access to information, accelerates learning, and offers wide opportunities to put to life what they learn. It is also a good platform for students to explore new curriculum and content and deepen their understanding of difficult concepts. Considering the dispute between both sides, I think we are still in the process of adjustment. Whatever is this advancement brings us, education researchers, practitioners, and scholars will find a way to balance everything and prepare curriculum implementors for the consequences of this innovation.

See also:,technology%20on%20youth%20for%20so



  • Daniel Tipay