New Learning MOOC’s Updates

The Impact of Rhetoric of "Learning Loss" in Public Schools

The widespread use of the rhetoric of "Learning Loss" has affected the perceptions of the public. We are all suffering from the threats of the pandemic. We should accept that the solutions from the government to aid the educational system in public schools do not meet 100% of the academic standard. It is quite a great help that this generation of learners' exposure to a learner-centered teaching environment makes learners less dependent on teachers or the traditional way of teaching. Indeed, we cannot guarantee the full use of the different pedagogies in teaching to improve their skills. But, we can always find ways to help and maintain continuous learning at home.

In the Philippines, most public schools and institutions use modular distance learning as a modality. The backlash that the government received is having a learning loss in the educational system. It is not true that there is a "learning loss" in this New Normal education system. There could be a slow build-up in the learning process but no loss. Learning is a continuous process. It is not acquired solely from the teachers, it is also acquired from the learner's own experiences, from day-to-day living and community. Learning is not limited to the four corners of the classroom. This belief is alarming and can bring learners to think unproductive since most of them are social media and technology savvy.

There is no need to pressure ourselves with the thought of filling the gaps in the educational system, but rather strive to improve and sustain the current knowledge and skills of learners. This is just a transformative stage for educational leaders, teachers, and learners. Let us empower ourselves in seeing what the past year's experiences have brought us in order to survive this current situation.