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Learning Management Systems for Transformative Pedagogy

image: sandra_schoen.

LMS – Learning Management Systems

Learning Management Systems (LMS) allow teachers to apply many aspects of transformative pedagogy that would have been much more difficult without its assistance. Here are the points that most apply to LMS.


Transformative pedagogy is ubiquitous learning that is not limited by time or space. Classes that were once confined to the physical classroom are put entirely or supplementarily online, so learners and instructors can attend and participate virtually from anywhere at any time.


Discourse in transformative pedagogy should go in many directions, which can be between students and teachers and students with each other. An LMS facilitates communication by providing direct messaging, comment and feedback space for posts and assignments and broadcasting information to individuals or groups.


Customizing learning to different students’ needs is an important consideration in transformative pedagogy. LMS allows teachers to manage different options and accommodations for each student as needed. Due dates are easy adjusted, submissions can be done in different forms with various types of media. Students can access course information from anywhere and at any time.


LMS can create a completely open learning environment that is accessable to all. Participants in a course can work on their own, with others in the course or people in the community. LMS is a networked system, so creating connections between people for communication and collaboration is easily done.


Cope, Bill. (2016) Analyzing Transformative Pedagogy mini-lecture videos parts 1, 2, and 3.