Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies MOOC’s Updates

Rethinking Assessment: An Integrated Approach in Scholar

The intersection of instruction and assessment within educational technologies like Scholar is redefining our traditional approaches to learning. In his insightful presentation, the lecturer highlights a transformative concept: making instruction and assessment indistinguishable, thereby embedding one within the other seamlessly. This philosophy challenges the conventional separation of learning and evaluation, suggesting that a student's educational journey should be a continuous feedback loop rather than a series of checkpoints.

The Scholar platform embodies this integrated approach through its Creator space, where students engage in complex epistemic performance, crafting multimodal texts that encompass a variety of digital and media elements. From primary school projects to advanced university case studies, Scholar facilitates an environment where representation of knowledge transcends the written word, embracing the full spectrum of multimodal communication. This not only enriches the learning experience but also equips students with the critical literacy to navigate an increasingly digital world.

The peer review process in Scholar stands out as an innovative feature, whereby students are actively involved in the assessment of their peers' work through a structured rubric. This reciprocal engagement fosters a sense of community and collective learning, with students providing and receiving feedback that is constructive and reflective. It encourages students to think critically about their work and the work of others, turning assessment into a dialogical and collaborative process.

The impact of this approach on learning is profound. It moves away from the abstract grades that offer little in the way of actionable feedback, towards a more detailed and helpful critique that promotes growth and understanding. Moreover, the iterative process of peer review and self-assessment prepares students for real-world scenarios, akin to scholarly peer review or professional collaboration.

In essence, the Scholar platform offers a paradigm shift in education where assessment is not the end, but a means to deeper learning and engagement. By integrating assessment with instruction, we encourage students to become active participants in their educational journey, blurring the lines between teaching and evaluation, and fostering an ongoing dialogue that enhances learning outcomes.