Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies MOOC’s Updates

Optional Peer Reviewed Update #6

Comment: What are the challenges and opportunities associated with learning computer coding?

In Dr. IMaya Israel's video, she talked about the importance nd benefits of larning coding for students of all abilities. She emphasized the importance of balancing explicit direct instruction with open inquiry. She redommedned the following instructoinal practices. 

1. Focus on using technology designed with the Universal Design for Learning, in mind. .

2. Balance explicit instruciton with open inquiry

3. Teach, model and reinforce problem solving and collaborative discourse.

That was a challenging area, in particular, when teahching coding to special needs kids. 

Make an Update: Describe and evaluate a program, platform, or pedagogy for increasing the understanding of how computing works.

My research into this queson took me down a " rabbit hole" , but it was an informative one, as this is a new area for me to explore. 






I followed the links above and came across some really good resources for learning coding. The Kodable.com , website, looks to be particularly useful and they have a number of FREE activities available,due to the present Covid-19 pandemic.

Even a total novice, such as myself, found the activities very useful , do-able and informative I highly recommend you explore the above links for yourself ! 

I have attached links and images for each of the above websites, below. Happy Coding ! 
