Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies MOOC’s Updates

Update #1 Essential learning technology

The learning technology that I have found make a significant difference for learning and interaction outside of the traditional classroom in Slack. Slack is an app that is available on both mobile and desktop devices, and can also be web based. It allows students and faculty to interact in a more informal, lower stakes manner, which I have found opens the lines of communication and students' willingness to engage with me.

Slack allows me to make announcements to students and provide some structure for interaction, while also allowing students to interact without the provided structure. Students can share files/materials, can start threaded conversations, can message each other directly and start channels which allow for discussion on specific topics.

I have found that it gives students a level of access to me that they are not used to in other classes and so our in person interactions are enhanced because they feel more at ease with me.

I currently use Slack with students who are acting as peer tutors. They can use Slack to get in touch with me, provide feedback on new initiatives, ask questions, network amongst themselves, and seek advice from more experienced tutors when needed.

As mentioned in the linked article, it was originally designed for businesses and so caution needs to be taken to ensure compliance with FERPA regulations. Also, to be considered is that students will need to check Slack separately from email, and other forms of communication such as LMS notifications. However, I have found that by interacting with students on this level has helped to open doors to greater connectivity with our tutoring community.



  • Julie Lowrie