Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies MOOC’s Updates

Discussion Forum: Essential Update #3- Formative Assessment & Artifacts as Learning Data

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Comment: How might it be possible to overcome some of the limitations of legacy assessment systems?

Make an Update: Take one aspect of big data in education. How does it work? What are its effects?

Emerging Assessment Models vs. Traditional

Big Data in Education can be the cumulative result of many small pieces of data collection embedded  in the instructional design.

The Assessment has more Validity , as it takes on a more Metaocgnitve aspect, and it comes from a students themselves, as well as from their peers.

The teacher can move from the " Sage on the Stage" role to the " Guide on the Side ". They can plan their lesson using ' Just in Time Feedback in the form of many Formative Assessment tools.

The link below ( & image at the top of this post ) provides a List of 33 Digital Tools in .Advaincing Formative Assessment in Education. 


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Formative Asses Middle

By incorporating Digital Formative Assessment embedded in the learning, it creates more Artifacts as evidence of learning and creates opportunities for crowdsourcing the assessment process. 


Peer Feedback benefits
Benefits of Feedback

Feedback that focuses on a letter grade is not as effective as feedback that focuses on WHAT the student needs to improve and adding the Peer Feedback to the equation, DOES have tangible benefits. 


Using Mu;tiple Choice Tests Formatively

The abpve link looks at using Multiple Choice Assessments formatively.  Incorporating a digital aspect on a smaller scale, can also add to the Artifacts of evidence to document learning and assist in metacognition. 


The above blog post looks at the Apgar test in the medical field and applies the lessons learned to the teaching world. 

He writes " So like the Apgar test, I try to make my assessments good enough. Multiple "pretty good" assessments give a more complete picture than any single "great" one possibly can.1 And NEVER EVER let any one score dictate everything."


The Washington Post article,. below looks at several WHAT IFs ?? , involving using formative DATA to foster student learning. 


What IF we approached tesitng this way ?
WHAT IFs ??? Food for Thought