About Vincent Brown


  • I am an older white male working on my higher degrees and planning how I want to spend the rest of my years. I was farm born and raised in the mountains of coastal northern California and my first career was in teaching biology and agricultural scie...More


  • California Institute of Integral Studies
    • PhD Candidate
    • Transformative Studies Department
    • Present


  • California Institute of Integral Studies
    • PhD Candidate
    • 2014 to Present

    I am in the Transformative Studies Department conducting a phenomenological study into the lived life benefits of a group of men who attended one or more of three men only retreats with Joanna Macy and the Work That Reconnects. I am using a three part, in-depth interview process and am currently beginning the data assessment of the transcribed interview sessions. My goals include getting more men into the work of self-introspection and personal well-being, advancing the WTR as a integral theory and method for personal and social growth, and learning more about my own social conditioning and ways of overcoming it.
