About Pedro Henrique Carquejeiro



    • Graduate Student
    • Philosophy
    • Present


  • Federal University of ABC
    • Masters Degree
    • September 2017 to Present

    Why does linear perspective, systematized in Italian Renaissance, endure as an hegemonic mode of representation, even if the epistemic conditions for its development are no longer present? In Perspective as symbolic form (1927), Panofsky develops an analysis of the various forms of perspective as part and parcel of cultural expressions, departing from the concept of symbolic form, taken from Cassirer. Such analysis leads him to the conclusion that linear perspective represents and reaffirms a separation between the subject that paints and the object painted, also reflected in the separation of the painter’s own body by the abstraction of the visual phenomena, converted in a monocular and static vision. Perspective, bidimensional representation of tridimensional space, is taken as a symbolic form because it stands between the subject and the world, acting as a symbolic source of the signs for what is seen. Departing from Panofsky’s critique, Merleau-Ponty develops an analysis which allows to think of pictorial alternatives to perspective via the reconsideration of its place, in the context of his work as part of his project of breaking away from dualist traditions. Departing from the critique of the French author on Panofsky, we will arrive at the relationship between perception and freedom in La doute de Cézanne (1945) and the relationship between freedom and perspective in the first half of L’oeil et l’esprit (1960), in order to get to the broader relation between perspective, freedom and visibility in the second half of the later. Therefore, we aim to analyze how can the concept of visibility provide answers to the question we posed.

  • Federal University of ABC
    • Major Degree
    • February 2014 to October 2018

    UFABC (Universidade Federal do ABC) has a unique program, which includes interdisciplinary disciplines combined with specific topics. More information can be seen here: http://ufabc.edu.br/en/program/?id=15 . I am in the process of certifying my degree, having completed the course's requirements.
