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Work 2B: Learning Module Design

Project Overview

Icon for Semester 1 of FL Studio 20

Semester 1 of FL Studio 20


I am a high school electronic music teacher. I teach at an alternative high school located in Chicago, IL. The high school is located inside of the Cook County Correctional Center. I have been at this particular school for four (4) years. I have been teaching music for ten (10) years. My students are working towards completing their high school diploma. The students I encounter have different musical backgrounds and over education experience. I currently use FL Studio 20 music software. I teach the students general music, music composition, and music engineer techniques.

When I started the LDL program, I created a learning module for FL Studio 12. This learning module is based on the previous module. I revamped the majority of the content. In the first module, I used curated material. In this module, I created the documents and taught more music theory.

These modules are to be completed in one (1) week. This module is intended for grades 9th - 12th. Additional time should be allotted to students for accommodations. In this learning module, students will learn FL Studio 20 music software by watching videos on specific program application skills and applying those skills learned by webinars that are provided by the teacher. After learning the specific skills through the video tutorials, students will demonstrate the skills learned to create original compositions utilizing music theory and software skills.

I am required to utilize our school-wide common classroom structure and the gradual release of responsibility (GRR) teaching strategy. This will be reflected in the modules.

Figure 1: Gradual Release of Responsibility (GRR) Instructional Framework. (2018). [Image]. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction .

Common Classroom Structure 75 minutes period:

  • 2-3 minute- Set the Expectations for the day
  • 15 minutes Students Reading; Writing Prompt
  • 10 minutes Demonstration
  • 10 minutes Guided Practice
  • 25 minutes Cooperative Practice (Groups)
  • 10 mintes Independent Practice
  • 3-5 mintes Wrap-up & Clean Up
Figure 2: Common Classroom Structure

Student Updates:

My students do not have access to the internet, so they cannot upload an update online and resspond. I am improvising with Power Point and Word to operate as my classroom "drop box".


  • Computers
  • Headphones 
  • Power Point 
  • Microsoft Word


  • This module is designed for the use of FL Studio 20

Prerequisites (Connection of prior knowledge and experience to present and future learning):

  • Students will need to be able to hear, see, count, read, compare and contrast, operate a computer, and have fine motor skills.
  • Students will need to be able to accomplish everything in week 1. Students will need a basic understanding of a piano keyboard (identify notes on the keyboard), music notes (quarter notes, 8th notes, 8th rest, quarter rest, 16th notes, whole notes, whole rest, half note, and half rest) on the music staff and musical rhythms.
  • Students will need a basic understanding of how to read the notes on the music staff, accidentals, repeat symbol, measures, bar lines, time signature, and how to connect the notes from the music paper to playing the keyboard.
  • Students will need to know how to enable their keyboard, operate, and record the piano roll. Students will need to know the piano numbers on their right and left hand.
  • Students will need to know how to verbally explain and independently operate the 5 main functions of FL Studio 12, which are the Browser, Channel Rack, Piano Roll, Playlist, and Mixer.
  • Students will need to know the 5 functions of FL Studio 12.
  • Students will need to know how to operate the 5 functions of FL Studio 12, aurally identify instruments, identify notes on the piano keyboard, count rhythms, compare and contrast, musical songs, understand what a melody, bass line, drum pattern, and mixing.
  • Students will need to know how to compose a drum pattern, and read a FL Studio 12 grid worksheet
  • Students will need to know how to operate the 5 functions of FL Studio 12, aurally identify instruments, identify notes on the piano keyboard, count rhythms, compare and contrast, musical songs, understand what a melody, bass line, drum pattern, and mixing
  • Students will need to know how to compose a drum pattern, and read a FL Studio 12 grid worksheet


  • If Adobe FL Studio 12 is not available, this module can be easily adapted to another version of Photoshop. However, if you use a different photo manipulation software, the videos should be changed.
  • Schools will not be afford the software and other musical instruments.



Below are the National Music Standards that we are going to accompish.

Music National Standards

2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.
5. Reading and notating music.
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
7. Evaluating music and music performances.
8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts


National Music Standards:

2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.
5. Reading and notating music.
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
7. Evaluating music and music performances.
8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts

Illinois Arts Learning Standards Creating:

Organize and develop artistic ideas and work. Enduring Understanding: Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their expertise, context, and expressive intent. Essential Questions: How do musicians make creative decisions?

MU: Cr2.1.5

  • Demonstrate selected and developed musical ideas for improvisations, arrangement, or compositions to express intent, and explain the connection to purpose and context.

MU: Cr2.1.6

  • Select, organize, construct, and document personal musical ideas for arrangements and compositions within the given form(s) that demonstrate effective beginning, middle, and ending, and convey expressive intent.

MU: Cr2.1.7

  • Select, organize, develop, and document personal musical ideas for arrangements, song, and compositions within a given form(s) that utilize compositional techniques and convey expressive intent.

Common Core State Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.L.6

  • Acquire and use accurately a range of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when encountering an unknown term important to comprehension or expression.
  • 3. Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between individuals, ideas, or events (e.g., through comparisons, analogies, or categories).
  • 7. Compare and contrast the experience of reading a story, drama, or poem to listening to or viewing an audio, video, or live version of the text, including contrasting what they “see” and “hear”when reading the text to what they perceive when they listen to or watch.


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Objectives/Learning Targets


Objectives/Learning Target

  • Students will be able to compare and contrast music from an academic and entertainment perspectives.
  • Students will be able to explain and operate the Broswer within the 5 Functions of FL Studio 12 music software. Students will be able to identify visually and aurally instrument families.
  • Students will be able to understand and operate the Browser and Channel Rack within the 5 functions of FL Studio 12
  • Students will be able to create a simple melody.
  • Students will be able to compose a simple rhythmic pattern.


Objectives/Learning Target

  • Students will be able to compare and contrast music from an academic and entertainment perspectives.
  • Students will be able to explain and operate the Broswer within the 5 Functions of FL Studio 12 music software. Students will be able to identify visually and aurally instrument families.
  • Students will be able to understand and operate the Browser and Channel Rack within the 5 functions of FL Studio 12
  • Students will be able to create a simple melody.
  • Students will be able to compose a simple rhythmic pattern.


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Student Pre-Survey

Greetings! Below is a survey for you to complete. Please take your time to answer the questions as thoroughly as possible. If you want to add more information, please use the back of the paper, label the comment according to the number of the question. I am looking forward to learning more about you and your musical background.

Media embedded June 9, 2020
Media embedded June 10, 2020

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). Survey [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from 

Figure 3: Survey

Teacher Pre-Survey


Before the students start any assignments they are required to complete an entry survey. The survey consist of eight (8) questions asking them about their musical back ground. If the students what to eloborate they are welcome to use the back of the worksheet. The studnets have a video explaining to the survey. Below is the survey.

Figure 3: Survey

In the video below, I explain how I use the survey data to create dialogue in the classroom. Once the students have completed the survey, I will discuss it for 10-15 minutes. After the discussion, the students provide the students with the material for day one (1) assignment. If students need more time, please allow time for those individuals. If students do not want to be apart of the class discussion, they are not penalized.

Media embedded June 9, 2020

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). Survey Teacher [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

Post Student Content to a Community

Day 1


Welcome to your Electronic Music Course! 

I am happy to have you in class. I am so excited to teach about music, composition, FL Studio 20, and more. I have created a welcome video for you. Please watch the video to learn about this learning module. 

Media embedded June 9, 2020

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). FL Studio 20 Semester 1 Welcome Video [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from 

Music for Academic vs. Music for Entertainment 

In the video below, I briefly discuss the differences between music from the academic perspective and music from the entertainment perspective.

Media embedded June 9, 2020
Media embedded June 9, 2020

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). Academic and Entertainment Perspective [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from 

Let's that the knowledge we have learned about music from an academic and entertainment perspectives and watch two (2) producers. I have explained the assignment in the "Academic and Entertainment Perspective" video that is linked above. If you need clarity on the assignment, watch the video starting at 1:10.

Use the Venn Diagram worksheet to complete the assignment. 

Figure 4: Venn Diagram
Media embedded June 9, 2020
Media embedded June 9, 2020

MasterClass. (2019, Febraury 26). Timbaland Teaches Producing and Beatmaking | Official Trailer| MasterClass [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

Media embedded June 9, 2020
Media embedded June 9, 2020

Alexander Aperture. (2016, March 21). @ZAYTOVENBEATZ COOKING UP@SXSW SHOT BY @SKOOZEMCBUCKS [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

Let's test your ears!
First, complete the instrument family worksheet and answer the three (3) questions. Once you complete the questions, watch the video, "Guess the Sound." While watching the video, write your answers to as many sounds on a blank sheet of paper. This assignment is not for a grade. This is to train your ears and to increase your music vocabulary.

There is a video that explains the percussion family. We are going to start connecting the percussion family to the software. Watch the percussion family video and take notes.

Figure 5: Instrument Family
Media embedded June 9, 2020
Media embedded June 9, 2020

Mister Teach. (2020, April 05). Guess the Sound | Musical Instruments Quiz | Instrument Sounds. [Video]. Retrieved from 

Media embedded June 9, 2020

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). Percussion Family Video [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

In the video below, I introduce FL Studio 10 interface. I am discussing the Browser. When you are watching the video, you must take notes in the Vocabulary/Notes Grid Worksheet. Take your time and watch the entire video. An explanation fo your assignment is provided in the video. Use the Browser Sound Selection worksheet to complete the assignment.

Figure 6: Vocabulary Grid Worksheet
Figure 7: Browser Sound Selection Worksheet
Media embedded June 9, 2020

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). Browser Webinar [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from


Now that you have completed your Browser worksheet share your top five (5) sounds from the kick and snare instrument. Reflect to the Guess the Sound video, what sounds took you by surprise? In 5-7 sentences, explain your experience in learning about different sounds.


In 5-7 sentences, comment on one (1) of your peers post. Be sure to engage in a thoughtful dialogue. If you need an example, watch the video below.

Figure 8: Peer Response Rubric
Media embedded June 9, 2020

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). Update 1 [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from 


Welcome to FL Studio 20 Semester 1 Learning Module. 

Media embedded June 9, 2020

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). For the Instructor Welcome Video [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

Below are the standards and objectives for day 1.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.L.6: 7. Compare and contrast the experience of reading
a story, drama, or poem to listening to or viewing an audio, video, or live version of the text, including contrasting what they “see” and “hear” when reading the text to what they perceive
when they listen to or watch.

Objective: Students will be able to compare and contrast music from an academic and entertainment perspectives.

Standard: MU:Pr4.2.T.Ia
Describe how context, structural aspects of the music, and digital media/tools inform prepared and improvised performances.

Objective: Students will be able to explain and operate the Broswer within the 5 Functions of FL Studio 12 music software. Students will be able to identify visually and aurally instrument families.

Below is a Welcome Video for the instructor 

Media embedded June 9, 2020

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). For the Instructor Welcome Video [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

Material for the students:

Media embedded June 9, 2020

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). Teacher Percussion Family Video [Video}. YouTube. Retrieved from


Now that you have completed your Browser worksheet share your top five (5) sounds from the kick and snare instrument. Reflect to the Guess the Sound video, what sounds took you by surprise? In 5-7 sentences, explain your experience in learning about different sounds.


In 5-7 sentences, comment on one (1) of your peers post. Be sure to engage in a thoughtful dialogue. If you need an example, watch the video below.

Figure 8: Peer Response Rubric


Media embedded June 9, 2020

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). Update 1 [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from 

Post Student Content to a Community

Day 2


Welcome to Day 2,

We are going to analyze two (2) hip hop, artists. We are going to compare and contrast the videos that are listed below. Please pay attention to the instruments that each artist uses, listen to the melody, and pay attention to the song's mood/energy. We are training our ears to analyze music. Complete the Venn Diagram worksheet to compare, contrast, and take notes.

Figure 9: Venn Diagram
Figure 10: Note Taking Worksheet


Media embedded June 9, 2020

DestinysChildRadio. (2011, December 17). Mary J. Blige- Mr. Wrong (feat. Drake) [Video]. YouTube. Retrienved from 

Media embedded June 9, 2020

CBR33ZiB4Bii (2020, May 09). Help me Breathe (Clean)- Chris Brown & Future feat. Future. [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from 

Now that we are training our ears to listen to different instrumental sounds in songs, lets head over to FL Studio 20 to start putting sounds together. We are going to focusing on the Channel Rack. During this demonstration, make sure that you have your vocabulary grid worksheet to write down definitions and steps.

Figure 11: Vocabulary Grid
Figure 12: Note Taking Worksheet


Media embedded June 9, 2020

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). Sending sounds to the Channel Rack [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from 

Media embedded June 9, 2020

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). Channel Rack Part II [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from 

Your assignment is explained in the video Channel Rack Part II at 4:30. If you need any help, rewind the video to ensure you understood the concepts. If you still need assistance, I will help you. Once you have completed the assignment save your project. The file name is your last name-channel rack.flp

Below is an example:

  • Smith-Channel Rack.flp

Below is the Sending Sounds to the Channel Rack Rubric. Take your time to make sure you understanding the concpet. 

Figure 13: Sending Sounds to the Channel Rack


UPDATE 2: After creating your first drum groove upload the document to the dropbox so we can listen. What did you find interesting about transferring a rhythm to the software? Was this concept challenging? Did it come with ease?

REPLY: Reply to 1 classmates Update 2. In 3-5 sentences, eplain what did you fought interesting in their sound selection and groove? Provide positive feedback. 

Figure 14: Peer Response Rubric



Below are the standards and objectives for day 2.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.L.6: 7. Compare and contrast the experience of reading
a story, drama, or poem to listening to or viewing an audio, video, or live version of the text, including contrasting what they “see” and “hear” when reading the text to what they perceive
when they listen to or watch.

Objective: Students will be able to compare and contrast music from an academic and entertainment perspectives.

Standard: MU:Pr4.2.T.Ia
Describe how context, structural aspects of the music, and digital media/tools inform prepared and improvised performances.

Objective: Students will be able to identify and operate the Browser and the Channel Rack within the 5 functions of FL Studio 12.

Students are going to analyze two (2) hip hop, artists. Students are going to compare and contrast the videos that are listed below. Encourage the students to pay attention to the instruments that each artist uses, listen to the melody, and pay attention to the song's mood/energy. Students are training our ears to analyze music. Students are required to complete the Venn Diagram worksheet to compare, contrast, and take notes. 

Students are going to learn how to send sounds to the Channel Rack. In this segment, students will learn how to create a basic groove in the Channel Rack using the sounds they selecting on day 1. 

 The assignment is explained in the video Channel Rack Part II at 4:30. If the students need further explanation or demostration, I will encourage them to rewind the video. If that does not help, I will have the students what they understand thus far, and I will provide further instruction to help provide clarity.

Have the students save their assignment upon completition. 

The file name is your last name-channel rack.flp

Below is an example:

  • Smith-Channel Rack.flp

UPDATE 2: After creating your first drum groove upload the document to the dropbox so we can listen. What did you find interesting about transferring a rhythm to the software? Was this concept challenging? Did it come with ease?

REPLY: Reply to 1 classmates Update 2. In 3-5 sentences, eplain what did you fought interesting in their sound selection and groove? Provide positive feedback.

Figure 14: Peer Response Rubric



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Day 3


Hello Day 3,

We are going to analyze one (1) hip hop, artists. Please pay attention to the instruments that the artist uses, listen to the melody, and pay attention to the song's mood/energy. We are training our ears to analyze music. 

Complete the Music Investigator worksheet below while listening to the song. 

Figure 15: Music Investigator Worksheet
Media embedded June 9, 2020
Media embedded June 9, 2020

FreeMusicDL. (2013, November 11). Jay Z feat. Justin Timberlake- Holy Grail (FREE DOWNOAD) [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

Now that we are training our ears to listen to different instrumental sounds in songs, lets head over to FL Studio 20 to learning about the Piano Roll. During this demonstration, make sure that you have your vocabulary grid worksheet to write down definitions and steps. There will be a lot of vocabulary. 

Figure 16: Vocabulary Grid
Figure 17: Note Taking Worksheet
Media embedded June 9, 2020

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). Piano Roll: Vocab [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

In the video below, you will learn about basic rhythm symbols and those symbols connected to the piano roll.

Media embedded June 9, 2020

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). Piano Roll Rhythm Worksheet [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

The video explains your assignment.

Figure 18: Piano Roll Rhythm Rubric
Figure 19: Piano Roll Rhythm Worksheet
Media embedded June 9, 2020
Media embedded June 9, 2020

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). Piano Roll Rhythm [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

UPDATE 3: Let's stop and reflect. You are learning new material and a skill set. When you are sharing your compositions, are you nervous about what your peers' feedback? In 5-7, Explain why or why not? How are you overcoming those emotions? How can the strategies you use to overcome the feelings you expressed be transferred to other classes and life?

REPLY: Reply to 1 classmates Update.

Figure 20: Peer Response Rubric



Below are the standards and objectives for day 3.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.L.6: 7. Compare and contrast the experience of reading
a story, drama, or poem to listening to or viewing an audio, video, or live version of the text, including contrasting what they “see” and “hear” when reading the text to what they perceive
when they listen to or watch.

Objective: Students will be able to compare and contrast music from an academic and entertainment perspectives. 

Describe how context, structural aspects of the music, and digital media/tools inform prepared and improvised performances.

Objective: Students will be able to identify and operate the Browser, Channel Rack, and Piano Roll within the 5 functions of FL Studio 12.
Students are going to analyze one (1) hip hop artist. Encourage the students to pay attention to the instruments that each artist uses, listen to the melody, and pay attention to the song's mood/energy. Students are training our ears to analyze music. Students are required to complete the Music Investigator worksheet.  

Students are going to take notes on sharp symbol, notes on the piano keyboard, define measures/bar lines, counting within the measure, define octave, and define melody. Students are going to learn how to navigate the Piano Roll. The students have a video that provides instruction and an assignment for the Piano Roll. 

 UPDATE 3: Let's stop and reflect. You are learning new material and a skill set. When you are sharing your compositions, are you nervous about what your peers' feedback? In 5-7, Explain why or why not? How are you overcoming those emotions? How can the strategies you use to overcome the feelings you expressed be transferred to other classes and life?

REPLY: Reply to 1 classmates Update.

Figure 20: Peer Review Rubric



Post Student Content to a Community

Day 4


Hello Day 4,

We are going to analyze one (1) hip hop, artists. Please pay attention to the instruments that the artist uses, listen to the melody, and pay attention to the song's mood/energy. We are training our ears to analyze music. 

Complete the Music Investigator worksheet below while listening to the song.

Figure 21: Music Investigator
Media embedded June 9, 2020

Craig David. (2017, April 28). Craig Daivid- Rise & Fall ft. Sting (Official Video). [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

Now that we are training our ears to listen to different instrumental sounds in songs, lets head over to FL Studio 20 to learning about the Piano Roll. During this demonstration, make sure that you have your vocabulary grid worksheet to write down definitions and steps. We are going to focus on scales and melodies. 

Figure 22: Vocabulary Grid
Figure 23: Note Taking Worksheet
Figure 24: Piano Keyboard
Scale Codes
Media embedded June 9, 2020

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). Major Scale Pattern [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from


  • Finishing writign the C major scale from the video
  • Write the D major Scale
  • Write the F major Scale

UPDATE 4: Creativity. Are you trusting yourself throughout this process to enjoy your creative process? In your own words, describe creativity? How do you allow yourself to be creative in life? You can be creative in writing, drawing, art, problem-solving, etc.

REPLY: Reply to 1 classmates Update.

Figure 25: Peer Rubric



Below are the standards and objectives for day 4.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.L.6: 7. Compare and contrast the experience of reading
a story, drama, or poem to listening to or viewing an audio, video, or live version of the text, including contrasting what they “see” and “hear” when reading the text to what they perceive
when they listen to or watch.

Objective: Students will be able to compare and contrast music from an academic and entertainment perspectives.

Standard: MU:Pr4.2.T.Ia
Describe how context, structural aspects of the music, and digital media/tools inform prepared and improvised performances.

Objective: Students will be able to identify and operate the Browser, Channel Rack, and Piano Roll within the 5 functions of FL Studio 12.

Students are going to analyze one (1) hip hop artist. Encourage the students to pay attention to the instruments that each artist uses, listen to the melody, and pay attention to the song's mood/energy. Students are training our ears to analyze music. Students are required to complete the Music Investigator worksheet.

Figure 21: Music Investigator Worksheet
Media embedded June 9, 2020
Media embedded June 9, 2020

Now that students are listening to different instrumental sounds in songs, lets head over to FL Studio 20 to learning about the Piano Roll. During this demonstration, make sure that you have your vocabulary grid worksheet to write down definitions and steps. We are going to focus on scales and melodies. Below are all of the material that the students will needs

Figure 22: Vocabulary Grid
Figure 23: Note Taking Worksheet
Figure 24: Piano Keyboard
Figure 25: Scale Code
Media embedded June 9, 2020

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). Major Scale Pattern [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

Students Assignment: 

  • Finishing writign the C major scale from the video 
  • Write the D major Scale 
  • Write the F major Scale 

UPDATE 4: Creativity. Are you trusting yourself throughout this process to enjoy your creative process? In your own words, describe creativity? How do you allow yourself to be creative in life? You can be creative in writing, drawing, art, problem-solving, etc.

REPLY: Reply to 1 classmates Update.

Figure 26: Peer Rubric


Post Student Content to a Community

Day 5


We have learned a lot this week regarding music theory, FL Studio 20, and creativity. In this segment, we are going to build on our knowledge from the week. You will watch different videos that will provide you with strategies to improve your drum parts and melody.

Take notes of the process to incorporate into your creative process. You are going to use these strategies to create your first eight (8) measure composition. You will have the entire class period to watch the videos and practice. Create your composition in Pattern 1 of the Channel Rack. Below is a video with further explanation.

Media embedded June 9, 2020

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). All Together [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from 

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). All Together [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from


Media embedded June 9, 2020
Media embedded June 9, 2020

Busy Work Beats. (2019, February 07). How to Make HAPPY Melodies. [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from 

Media embedded June 9, 2020
Media embedded June 9, 2020

Busy Work Beats. (2017, October 09).3 Tricks to Better Melodies Everytime [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from 

Media embedded June 9, 2020
Media embedded June 9, 2020

Busy Work Beats. (2019, January 10).3 Tricks to Modern Melody [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from 


Media embedded June 9, 2020

Busy Work Beats. (2018, May 10).Drum Rhythms Tutorial- West Coast, East Coast, and Trap [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from 

Media embedded June 9, 2020

Busy Work Beats. (2015, December 21). How to Make Trap Pt. 1 Drums and Sound Selection [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from 

Media embedded June 9, 2020

Busy Work Beats. (2015, December 21). How to Make Trap Pt. 1 Drums and Sound Selection [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from 

Update #5:

I have asked you to be creative, and sometimes that isn't easy. Take some time to watch the video below about creativity. In 5-7 sentences, what did you take away from this video? Can you apply those concepts to this project? Can you transfer the skill sets to life?

REPLY: Reply to 1 classmates Update.

Figure 27: Peer Response Rubric
Media embedded June 9, 2020

Tedx Talks. (2015, May 07). Trick Your Mind into Being Creative | Aadil Vora | TEDxNSU [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from 


The students have learned a lot this week regarding music theory, FL Studio 20, and creativity. In this segment, they are going to build on our knowledge from the week. The students will watch different videos that will provide you with strategies to improve your drum parts and melody.

The students are required to take notes of the process to incorporate into your creative process. They are going to use these strategies to create your first eight (8) measure composition. Allow the students to have the entire class period to watch the videos and practice.

Media embedded June 9, 2020

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). All Together [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from 

Update #5:

I have asked you to be creative, and sometimes that isn't easy. Take some time to watch the video below about creativity. In 5-7 sentences, what did you take away from this video? Can you apply those concepts to this project? Can you transfer the skill sets to life?

REPLY: Reply to 1 classmates Update.

Figure 27: Peer Response Rubric
Media embedded June 9, 2020
Post Student Content to a Community




It is time to present your composition. In the video below, I explain the presentation assignment. The presentation questions and rubric is attached below. You will have 3-5 minutes to present.

1.) What emotion do I want to express in my composition?
2.) What inspired me to write this composition?
3.) What scale will I use?
4.) What sounds will I use?
5.) What musical strategies will I use in the melody and the drum part?

Figure 28: Final Project Assessment
Media embedded June 9, 2020

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). Presentation. [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from


Students are going to present their composition.  In the video below, I explain the presentation assignment. The presentation questions and rubric is attached below. Allow the students 3-5 minutes to present their project to the class.

1.) What emotion do I want to express in my composition?
2.) What inspired me to write this composition?
3.) What scale will I use?
4.) What sounds will I use?
5.) What musical strategies will I use in the melody and the drum part?

Figure 28: Final Project Assessment
Media embedded June 9, 2020

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). Presentation. [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

Post Student Content to a Community


Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). Survey [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

Gradual Release of Responsibility (GRR) Instructional Framework. (2018). [Image]. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction .

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). Survey Teacher [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). FL Studio 20 Semester 1 Welcome Video [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). Academic and Entertainment Perspective [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

MasterClass. (2019, Febraury 26). Timbaland Teaches Producing and Beatmaking | Official Trailer| MasterClass [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

Alexander Aperture. (2016, March 21). @ZAYTOVENBEATZ COOKING UP@SXSW SHOT BY @SKOOZEMCBUCKS [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

Mister Teach. (2020, April 05). Guess the Sound | Musical Instruments Quiz | Instrument Sounds. [Video]. Retrieved from

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). Percussion Family Video [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). Browser Webinar  [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). Update 1 [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

Robyn Sutton. (2020, June 09). Teacher Percussion Family Webinar [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved  from

DestinysChildRadio. (2011, December 17). Mary J. Blige- Mr. Wrong (feat. Drake) [Video]. YouTube. Retrienved from

CBR33ZiB4Bii (2020, May 09). Help me Breathe (Clean)- Chris Brown & Future feat. Future. [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

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