Produced with Scholar

Narrative Writing Project

Project Overview

Project Description

Write a narrative that includes one of the following:

You can interpret the theme/idea  that you select in any way that you like as long as the connection is clear to your audience/readers.

Follow narrative structure of orientation, complication and resolution (coda is optional). Open the rubric in the Toolbar to guide you as you write.

Icon for The Girl Who Roams The Streets - BH

The Girl Who Roams The Streets - BH

Aimlessly walking down the street, soulless. Hair disheveled and clothes in ruins. You could feel death emanating from her, every time you walked past the girl. Avoiding any contact with her, time after time as you walked along the side path. But she knew. She knew you could see her.

It was a place where the lights were dimmed and where the stars couldn’t be seen. Walking down the path at night had a foreign feel, eerie, quiet, and chilling. Being the paranoid person I was, I frequently turned to look behind me. Telling myself to stop over and over because there was nothing wrong, I looked back a final time. There was a flash of white before she appeared again, this time curled into a ball on the ground. Tempted to just talk to her, I stopped myself. I can’t let myself become involved with one of them. This time hurrying out of the street, trying to gather my thoughts together.

After grabbing the USB I had forgotten to bring back home, a realisation crossed my mind. Oh right, I have to go back down that path again. Just don’t look into her eyes and you’ll be fine. I reassured myself and took a deep breath. You can do this.

I continued walking back to the house, hoping that our paths would not cross again, or ever for that matter. As I looked around, relief washed over me as the girl was nowhere in sight.

As I started to walk forwards, a shrilling cry halted all movements from me. Slowly turning my head around to the direction of the voice, my breath hitched. And for a moment, I felt my heart stop beating.

She was there. Crouching into a ball again, as a white glow seemed to be flowing out from her.

Shoot! Since you turned, she knows you can hear. And since you can hear her, you can obviously see her. Shoot! SHOOT! SHOOOOT! RUN YOU IDIOT!

I couldn’t move though. My legs were trembling as I saw her slowly stand. Hair covering her face as she swayed from left to right. Creeping closer as she reached out her hand.

A flash of white light blinded me before all turned to dark again. As my sight came back, I realised that she was gone.