About Najmeh Dorri


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  • Tarbiat Modares University
    • Associate Professore
    • Persian language and literature


  • Ph.D from Shiraz university with the GPA of 18.35 and dissertation grade of 19.33 Cum laude
    • Ph.D from Shiraz university with the GPA of 18.35 and dissertation grade of 19.33 Cum laude

    Education: 1994.Diploma in the field of primary education from the teachers' training college with a written GPA of 18.67 1997.B.A. in Farsi language and literature from Fasa university with a GPA of19.35 Cum laude. 1999.M.A. in Farsi language and literature from Shiraz university with the GPA of 18.45 and dissertation grade of 19.5 Cum laude 2005.Ph.D from Shiraz university with the GPA of 18.35 and dissertation grade of 19.33 Cum laude
