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The Basic Structure of an Academic Essay

This article provides a standard format and structure for academic writing. It is not about the content of what you are writing, but rather about how to organize it. If you have been assigned to write an essay in class, most likely your instructor will expect a paper that looks like the one described below. And if essay writer is working on an assignment for work or a class at college, this template can serve as a useful reminder of what constitutes good academic writing and get you off to a quick start!

Pre-writing Considerations:

Content - In an academic essay, you will normally be writing about a single concept or object (as opposed to comparing and contrasting 2 things, for example), so think carefully about your topic and how you intend to write about it. As you plan out what points you want to make, consider the order in which they should appear in your paper. The easiest way to get started is by making a list of all the main ideas that are related to your chosen topic; then group them into categories and decide what each point will address. Another approach is to begin by selecting just one idea at a time on which to focus, getting that idea developed completely before moving on to another one from the list. Wh method you use to plan your essay, make sure you leave some time between the planning and the actual writing. The more you write, the harder it becomes for your mind to focus clearly on what you are going to say next; take a break once in while write my essay even if it is just taking out an hour or two.

If this structure seems too formulaic for you - don't worry! Academic essays fall within certain parameters of formality that vary depending upon discipline type (history papers follow these rules much differently than biology papers), but not all academic writing has to be so strictly structured. Just because many of us were taught with strict guidelines for what constitutes "good" academic writing doesn't mean we have to stick with those, either in our own work or when we edit student papers.

You might also want to double-check your research for accuracy at this time.

And always make sure that you have read and understood the assignment before you begin to write! Keep a copy of that instructions sheet in front of you as you write, so that if the teacher asks you why you chose A instead of B in reference to question 3 on page 24, or what your interpretation of "gene mutation" means exactly, essay writing service can look back over the rubric to find out.


Compare Your Work With Others: After writing the essay, compare it with some other essays written by students who received high points. If they did not receive full credit, go back and see where their actual writing deviated from yours. Asking a classmate or friend to proofread your paper before you turn it in can be very helpful.