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Meaning Patterns Project: Interpretive Methods

Project Overview

Project Description

ATTN: Do your Ai Reviews first, revise, then submit for peer review. See schedule

Peer Reviewed Work:

Our two Sense books and their associated media employ interpretive methods to map out the dimensions of a multimodal grammar, analyzing the role of media, including digital media, in giving shape to our meanings. They use a mixture of the interpretive disciplines of history, philosophy, and social-cultural theory to make an argument about the theoretical notion of “transposition” and its practical applicability.

For this project, choose a topic of interest in an area of human meaning-making. The area could be an aspect of education, but need not necessarily be that. You could choose to look a media (newer digital media or older media), language, image, or one of the other “forms of meaning” that we explore in our two sense books. Look ahead at the topics in these two books for ideas, but also, don’t feel constrained by the topics you find here. Our main reason to have you read these books is to illustrate interpretive methods at work.

Use interpretive methods to explore your chosen topic – in education or any other domain. How do interpretive methods add depth to your understanding of this concept? You may wish to apply interpretive constructs from our transpositional grammar.

Write an interpretive analysis of your topic. Perhaps, if you are in the doctoral program and have in mind possible general topic area, you might choose that. But if you do, in this course, we want you mainly take an interpretive approach to the topic. Even if you finally choose an empirical methodology (e.g. qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods), you are going to need an interpretive part.

If you are worried about choosing a topic, please feel free to run some ideas past us. We mean this to be very open, allowing you to choose something of relevance to your research, or a new area of digital media or education that you would like to explore using interpretive methods.

Your work should contain a methodology section in which you discuss the nature of intepretive methods. This aspect of your peer reviewed project is meta-theoretical, that is you are being asked to develop an account of the theory of interpretive methods - its purposes, possible deployment and the types of analysis that it can generate. If you are a doctoral student, you may (or may not) wish to have your dissertation topic in mind as you write this work. Key questions: What are interpretive methods, in general, or as applied in a mainly interpretive discipline (e.g. history, philosophy, cultural/social theory)? Or, how are interpretive methods operationalized in a meta-analysis? Or how are interpretive methods applied in qualitative or quantitative empirical research?

Your work should then apply principally interpretive methods to your chosen topic. For general guidelines on the peer reviewed project, visit the peer reviewed project pages. There are two main differences in this course: 1) instead of two main sections, theory > practice, this course suggests two somewhate different sections: interpretive methods theory > interpretative methods application to your chosen topic; 2) we are not offering the learning module option in this course.

When it comes to peer review and self-review, you will be applying the "knowledge processes" rubric that we use in all our LDL courses. Here are some of the ways in which interpretive methods map against this rubric: See table at


Icon for Situating Illinois Computer Science Standards within a Computational Pedagogical Framework

Situating Illinois Computer Science Standards within a Computational Pedagogical Framework

Perceptions of Who Should Do Computer Science in Public Education

The context of k12 education in the United States reveals complex systems with multiple layers of socio-political phenomena, human agency, and dynamics of power. In such a context, interpretive methods of research can access patterns of practice and pedagogies that are especially transformative. A social semiotic approach to understanding concepts like computational thinking in education, reveal "how modes" or "forms", "change as power shifts at the interpresonal, institutional, and societal levels" (Cope & Kalantzis, 2020; Dolgopolovas & Dagiene, 2022).

Within the context of public education, perceptions of technology use and computational education deeply impact the future landscape of who participates in innovative solutions for 21st century problems. Without inclusive approaches to integrating computer science in our public education systems, affordances of computational thinking "as a complex semiotic resource" might continue to be limited by cultural perseptions of "who should" engage in computer science (Dolgopolovas & Dagiene, 2022). 

I recently attended The Forum on the Future of Illinois Education at the University of Illinois where a discussion on the implementation of Computer Science Standards in Illinois (2021) was held within a wider context of a discussion of HB 2170, the Education and Workforce Equity Act. Dr. Paul Bruno, Assistant Professor in the EPOL program at the College of Education at the University of Illinois, presented on the implementation of k12 Computer Science Standards, bringing awarenes to potential barriers to implementation of the Illinois CS Standards for public school districts. His presentation highlighted teacher shortages, financial impacts, and inequity in potential computer science (CS) opportunities and offerings. Bruno & Lewis (2021) draw parallels between the state of California's implentation of CS standards and the state of Illinois, showcasing research that reveals that offering courses in CS does not close gender or race equity gaps in public schools. 

Figure 1 and Figure 2 show AP computer science enrollments in the start of California over time; although Bruno and Lewis (2021) caution against conflating gender and race equity issues in enrollment when they state, "the mechanisms driving racial CS equity gaps are likely to be different in practice than those driving gender gaps, and that conflating the two is unlikely to be helpful from a policy perspective." What their study reveals is that racial gaps are more fully explained by school access, while gender gaps are impacted by student choice couse selection pattern gaps. Both gaps increased significantly with the growth of CS in schools, and data shows that the biggest increase in participation is dominated by groups who were already participants. 

Figure 1

CS Course Enrollment by Gender  

Graphic representation created by Bruno & Lewis (2021) showing percentage of high school course enrollments that are in computer science by gender. They reported data is not available for the 2009–2010 school year

Figure 2

CS Course Enrollment by Race

Graphic representation created by Bruno & Lewis (2021) showing percentage of high school course enrollments that are in computer science by race. PI: Pacific Islander.

There are a variety of perceptions surrounding who should participate in CS that are partially revealed by course selection patterns, as well as access to diversity in computer science educators in Bruno and Lewis' (2021) work. In a recent discussion with my own administrator in a k12 building in Illinois, I was able to listen to her perspective that CS is just another layer on a growing tower of expectations for implementation. Instead of a way to shape perception or increase diversity within computer science, she perceived this new collection of standards as another obstacle in fulfilling state obligations in our district.

This conversation, along with my recent visit to the UofI's symposium empowered me to take a look at the process of implementation of Illinois CS standards in a way that helps shape the social semiotic perception of CS among students and educators. Hopefully in time, these standards can be used to build inclusive pedagogical practices that embrace the affordances of multimodal expressions of meaning when our students have access to technology and a positive perception of computational thinking. 

In order to envision the value of the Illinois CS standards and their implementation in public schools in Illinois, this investigation will examine the langugage of the Illinois CS Standards, highlight research that uses narrative and interpretive methodologies to examine barriers to equity in computer science in education, and consider snapshots from real-world scenarios where computational thinking in education is being successfully implemented.

Perhaps this exploration will shed light how Illinois can more robustly provide opportunities for districts to integrate the Illinois CS standards that are desperately needed in light of 21st century issues in k12 classrooms, as well as develop a culture that sees computational thinking as a core literacy in today's world. 

Challenging Perceptions in Illinois

In 2017, a task force was developed to "issue a report that details how all Illinois students will be provided the best possible K-12 computer science educational experience if these recommendations are adopted for legislation" (Alexander et al., 2017). By 2021, "Illinois Computer Science Standards were adopted with the enactment of Public Act 101-0654, which required the Illinois State Board of Education to develop rigorous learning standards for computer science [...]" (Illinois, 2022). 

The Illinois CS Standards provide the groundwork for a deeper commitment to engaging all students with computer science opportunities to reduce skill gaps and promote inclusive computing environments (Illinois CS Standards, 2022). The document can be viewed in its entirety here. Along with the standards, the authors delineate nine practices that "narrate" "how students should exhibit each practice with increasing sophistication from kindergarten to Grade 12" (Illinois CS Standards).

[...] practices of computer science describe the behaviors and ways of thinking that computationally literate students use to fully engage in today’s data-rich and interconnected world. The practices naturally integrate with one another and contain language that intentionally overlaps to illuminate the connections among them. (Illinois CS Standards)

The core practices of the CS Standards are listed below. 

Practice 1 – Fostering an inclusive computing culture.

Practice 2 – Collaborating around computing.

Practice 3 - Recognizing and defining computational problems.

Practice 4 - Developing and using abstractions.

Practice 5 - Creating computational artifacts.

Practice 6 - Testing and refining computational artifacts.

Practice 7 - Communicating about computing.

Practice 8 - Analyzing the effects of advancements in computing on one’s society, economy, and culture.

Practice 9 - Reflecting on and revising one’s computational thought processes and those of others.

(Illinois CS Standards, 2022)

A Landscape Report of K-12 Computer Science Education in Illinois (Hegeman-Davis & Sewell, 2021) reveals that although most stakeholders agree that CS standards are important for future success, there are barriers to implementation of CS standards in Illinois schools. As mentioned, Bruno & Lewis (2021) argue that there are considerable barriers to equitable implementation.

The adoption of CS standards alone are not guaranteed to increase inclusiveness, decrease skill gaps, or ensure equity in classrooms (Bruno & Lewis; Mills et al., 2021). Mills and associates (2021) assert that the integration of computational thinking (CT) across disciplines within an inclusive pedagogical framework is necessary to increase equity in k12 education regarding CS and the future of education in general.



Changing the Landscape: The Role of Computational Thinking in Changing Perceptions

Although the Illinois CS Standards infer computational thinking, there is a lack of direction in implementation that would help districts understand that pedagogies and curriculums already in place in their classrooms embrace computational thinking. If a deeper understanding of these connections could be fore fronted in the rollout of implementation, educators may have the chance to grapple with their own biases toward CS and allow themselves to consider the affordances of CT that will enhance their students ability to share knowledge and create new meaning.

Mills and associates (2021) emphasize, “While all fifty states have some policy in place promoting computer science, the role of computational thinking within these initiatives is ambiguous” (p. 15). While computer science is an individual academic discipline, computational thinking is a problem-solving approach that integrates across activities (Angevine et al., 2017 as cited by Mills et al., 2021). "The skills and practices requiring computational thinking are broader, leveraging concepts and skills from computer science and applying them to other contexts, such as core academic disciplines" (Mills et al., 2021, p. 10).  In her impactful essay that instigated a resurgence in dialogue around implementing CS in k12 education, Wing (2006) asserts that “[CT] is a way that humans, not computers, think. Computational thinking is a way humans solve problems; it is not trying to get humans to think like computers.”

Figure 3 illustrates elements of computational thinking that showcase CT as a semiotic resource with the potential of providing students with a variety of capacities to express meaning in various disciplines, which may challenge current perceptions about CS and who should be involved. The table suggests applications for CT across disciplines and grade levels and reveals that pedagogy that supports CT in the classroom is well within reach for all educators without adding burdensome layers of learning new technologies or requiring educators to take on new credentials.

Figure 3

CT Skills Descriptions and Applications in k12 Learning

Table showcasing CT skills along with recommendations for applications in k12 learning developed by Mills et al. (2021)

The 2017 task force set out to survey the landscape and need for increased opportunities for CS in Illinois classrooms and does include language around the concept of computational thinking (Alexander et al., 2017). However, their focus on CS and implementation is concentrated in secondary education, and zooms in on access to student experiences with AP Computer Science Courses. Bruno and Lewis (2021) have shown that access to higher level AP and Honors Computer Science courses exacerbates gender and racial gaps in participation. 

Instead, participation in secondary courses should be a culmination of a lifetime of CT opportunities from kindergarten and beyond. Mill and associates (2021) explain,

As previously stated, the success or uptake of varying computing initiatives is often measured by enrollment in AP Computer Science and/or success on the AP Computer Science exam ( These traditional motivations for CS education are largely disconnected from the lives of learners who experience marginalization. (p. 16)

Additionally, the misconception that CS standards need to focus on technology could be detrimental to school district leadership and educators. We need to continue to engage in the implementation dialogue and attempt to understand CT and its benefits for increasing equity and creating transformative learning design in early childhood classrooms. Mill and associates (2021) argue,

The push to integrate computational thinking to support disciplinary learning provides an opportunity for schools to reimagine and redefine computing education for students, especially those that have experienced exclusion, knowing these skills will equip them for success in a computational world, regardless of their career choice. (pp. 16-17)

In Figure 4, Mills and associates (2021) share pedagogical approaches across a preK-2 grade band showcasing how CT skills can be developed and applied across disciplines with using little to no technology but instead reveal how playdough, beads, music, story plotting, and various items can be faciliated to instigate collaborative, CT practices and applications in learning. 

Figure 4

Table of Pedagogical Strategies Applying CT Across Disciplines 

Mills et al., 2021, Table of examples of computing integrated into K–12 arts, ELA, math, science, and social studies in grades K-2.

Video 1 defines computational thinking and illustrates examples of computational thinking in the classroom, where students display skills in developing algorithms by programming robots, gathering and analyzing historical data in social sciences, navigating complex systems, and problem solving through simulations. Digital Promise (2018) concludes the video by reasserting that computational thinking is everywhere; it surrounds us contemporary society. Defining skills in computational thinking and addressing how these skills can be implemented in Illinois is more about challenging mindset and preconceived notions than convincing the public these skills are needed. 

Media embedded April 26, 2024

Video 1 Digital Promise, (2018, Decemeber 4), Computational Thinking for a Computational World

Overall, glimpsing perceptions within Illinois CS Standards, as well as equity issues in implementation brought to light by the work of Bruno and Lewis (2021) reveal that perceptions of CS seem isolated and out of touch with the affordances that CT has the potential to provide all learners. The Illinois task force reported that "There is substantial evidence pointing to a disconnect between the perceived need for expanded K–12 CS education by Illinois principals and the expressed need by parents, school staff, and school boards" (Alexander et al., 2017). Helping school districts and communities understand CT as a semiotic resource instead of such a narrow, technical field could reshape how student's perceive their participation in CS, thereby changing the landscape of student involvement and ultimately, the workforce as a whole. 

Therefore, as we attempt to naviage the landscape of CS perceptions in education, we want to review spaces where computational thinking is found within constructivist, inclusive pedagogical practices across disciplines and ages, which may include reframing perseptions of CS among students and educators, incorporating CT across disciplines, and shifting to a landscape of pedagogy and assemsent where students show, rather than tell, their artifacts of meaning developed through computational thinking.

Computational Thinking and Social Knowledge Roots

Given that the State of Illinois’ CS Standards (2022) First Practice of implementation within k12 learning spaces is “fostering an inclusive computing culture,” there is an assumption that CT is a shared experience and a cultural phenomena, despite perceptions of technology-based learning and CS as isolating (Bergland et al., 2009). In fact, CT paired with technology is likely to enhance diverse participation (Corkett & Benevides, 2015; Israel et al., 2015; Ludvigsen & Arnseth, 2017; Mills et al., 2021; Mills et al., 2024).

By contextualizing CT within theories of social knowledge construction, specifcally Vygotsky's constructivism and Papert's constructivism, we hope to challenge how some perceptions of CS still permeate notions of who should participate. 

According to Vygotsky, learning and therefore development, depends on access to opportunities, support, and the encouragement to continue exploration. Vygotsky’s theory of proximal development outlines that when “a more knowledgeable other” collaborates with a new learner, steps in learning pave the way for cognitive development (Vygotsky, 1978; Vygotsky, 1986; Zaretsky, 2021). Outlined below are guiding principles of Vygotsky’s social learning theory.

• Learning is an active process of meaning-making gained in and through our experience and interactions with the world

• Learning opportunities arise as people encounter cognitive conflict, challenge, or puzzlement, and through naturally occurring as well as planned problem solving activities

• Learning is a social activity involving collaboration, negotiation, and participation in authentic practices of communities

• Where possible, reflection, assessment, and feedback should be embedded “naturally” within learning activities

• Learners should take primary responsibility for their learning and “own” the process as far as possible

(Zaretsky, 2021, p. 1)

The video below outlines the zone of proximal development (ZDP) (0:56-1:20), as well as explaining how lack of exposure to the process of learning outlined in the ZDP leads to inquiry in learning (1:22-4:00).

Media embedded April 26, 2024

Hable (2022) discusses how Papert's theory builds upon Vygotsky's when he explains, "Seymour Papert went one step further to say that the process of knowledge construction happens best when people create a physical or digital artifact to serve as a representation of their mental construction." Papert initiates the call for digital literacy in meaning making for children within the context of his theory of constructionism in the 1980's, and Paula Wing (2006) revived the call to action to increase computer science education by fore fronting the concept of computational thinking. 

Within this social-knowledge constructivist framework, CT becomes a semiotic tool for learners to express knowledge in digital, multimodal artifacts, ideally in collaborative settings that are not limited to computer science classrooms, but could be expressed in any discipline or interdisciplinary context. This conception of CT challenges cultural perceptions that CS is an isolated practice, performed in and by white, male-dominated fields (Gretter et al., 2019; Rankin et al., 2021).






Inclusive Pedagogy: Embodied and Social Learning Design

Because meaning making is a social experience and humans use tools to create artifacts of expression of that meaning, the dependence on inclusion is not a nicety, but rather, a necessity (Papert, 1980; Vygotsky, 1987). Without the "Other," especially without another that represents a difference, "I" am unable to construct new meaning for myself or express new artifacts. Therefore, establishing cultures of computing also means establishing cultures of inclusion, highlighting and identifying difference, enhancing the perspectives of all learners. "Learning cultures are communities of learners comprised of people with different levels of experience and knowledge, working together towards a common goal" (Hable, 2022).

Video 3 defines an inclusive classroom and outlines key pedagogical approaches that address difference in processing time, questioning, and critical thinking. Ultimately, inclusive practices are anchored to the foundational concept that all students need to be intentionally included, their backgrounds and background knowledge considered, and diverse perspectives should be valued (3:00-4:45). Multiple intersections exists between practices in CT and inclusive pedagogical strategies, especially the emphasis on relating concepts to student interest, as well as real-world topics (4:00-4:45). 

Media embedded April 10, 2024

Video 3. LabXChange (2023, March 23) What is an Inclusive Classroom? 

Inclusive practices in k12 classrooms are a key aspect of engaging bias toward computer science. Gretter and associates (2019) explore teacher's views on barriers to diversity in CS education in order to foster diversity in the field. After mulitple interviews with teachers, the researchers identified isolation as one of the main barriers to learning in a CS context (Gretter et al., p. 7). On the opposite end of the spectrum, creating "inclusive classrooms" and "a sense of belonging" were two key elements in fostering equitable learning spaces in k12 computer science (Gretter et al., pp. 8-9).

Creating inclusive CS classroom starts with debunking myths and misconceptions about CS and computing culture. Teachers can focus on these points through inclusive pedagogy that will transfer beyond the classroom walls to attract new students.

(Gretter et al., 2019, p. 12)


A number of teachers (N = 13) brought up the need to create an inclusive environment in the computer science classroom to increase diversity. Participants stated that such welcoming environments provided students with opportunities to develop a sense of identity aligned with the computing community.

(Gretter et al., 2019, p. 8)

Inclusion and belonging as essential factors in CT pedagogical design are the transformative aspects of any pedagogical approach. These factors, and their intentionality within the learning design are what create the conditions for issues in equity to be met and overcome. Without the intentionality of inclusive practices, CS as a field and as a way forward in the 21st century will never represent all the voices of innovation that it could. Kalantzis and Cope's (2005) concept of New Learning emphasis, "Belonging is a generalised condition of learning, whether learning is endogenous to the everyday lifeworld, or whether it is by conscious design. In the case of the former, belonging usually comes easily. In the case of learning by design, belonging needs to be a conscious endeavour."

Navigating the Terrain: Observing Patterns in Effective Uses of CT

Having determined that computational thinking has its roots in Vygotsky and Papert's social knowledge philosophical theories, as well as examining the deep connection between overcome bias perceptions of CT through inclusive pedagogies, we want to consider how CT can become a semiotic tool for students to live out these theories in concrete, meaningful ways.

Dolgopolovolas and Dagiene (2022) conducted a study using interpretive methods to establish CT as a semiotic tool. They explain, "CT is a complex phenomenon that integrates human and non-human entities into one constantly evolving network" (Dolgopolovas & Dagiene, p. 5). Like Dolgopolovas & Dagiene, our work seeks to establish a "repositioning" of CT from its current "understanding as an educational and cognitive developmental tool to consider CT as a semiotic resource that mediates sociocultural relations" (p. 7).

At its very best, CT could lead to pedagogies where "students make their own decisions about learning goals and the computational tools and processes they will use to achieve them" (Mills et al., 2021, p. 33). Mills and associates suggest a scaffolded approach to educators embedding CT practices within their classrooms, where students are introduced and instructed on concepts like coding, using data, or a program and eventually have full agency within their learning experience (p. 33). As any transformative pedagogical approach, good tools must meet students within all their need and difference and provide sufficient suppor that they are able to achieve full participation and agency within learning (Kalantzis & Cope, 2005).  

Providing student-centered learning experiences, so that students are driving decisions about what tool to use, how to use it, and for what purpose, provides them with opportunities to gain experience, autonomy, and confidence in computing they can take outside of the classroom.

(Mills et al., 2021, p. 33)

Figure 5 is a graphic representation of the form of agency, a form within Cope and Kalantzis (2020) transpositional grammar. Unless students can reach a point of participation within the context of learning where they are creating meaning using a tool of their choice, it is evident that we have not reached the level of transformation or equity in public education that needs to be realized. The description of the form of agency below helps us navigate the complex factors in which every individual finds themselves within, constantly impacted by where they find themselves, expectations put upon them, their own role in determining how they will navigate exchange, and the various conditions that surround their self-determination in every moment. To consider it in this light, imagining learning for even one student seems impossible. On the other hand, the affordance of technology and reshaping understandings of what CT and these particular set of tools can do for us cognitively and culturally, it seems that anything could be possible.

Figure 5

The Form of Agency 

Cope & Kalantzis depiction of the form "Agency" within the context of transpositional grammar

The only way for students to begin stepping into their own agency and ability to create meaning is for the landscape of perceptions to change to allow for this type of condition. Within the event of transactivity that could potential occur within a classroom, the role of individuals can take a better shape. Echoing the scaffolded structure suggested by Mills et al., introducing students to enhancements like coding, programs, or access to data should lead to autonomy and then fuller participation for even greater possiblities in what can be achieved. 

It happens like this in almost every social sphere. A new person comes into the periphary of a group with caution, observing others, with a very limited ability to participate or have a role. But overtime, that learner becomes the leader. The only obstacles that would prevent this transformation are essentially intentional. These are the obstacles that create inequity and a lack of participation. 

The goal for policy makers, administrators, parents, and educators, in an ideal CS learning environment, would be for such a transformation that the agency of the learner is evidence by the artifacts they create, their participation in problem solving, and their ability to become the more knowledgeable "other". 

Vignettes of CT in Public Learning Spaces

Increasing Access to CT Practices

The first snapshot of applications of CT in k12 education is shown in Figure 5, where Suzie Bosler and her class of 3rd graders participate in a computational thinking program, where funds were provided that purchased supplies, equipment, and training for Suzie's classroom in order to support a 7 to 10 week program using computational thinking within her classroom.

Figure 5

Computational Thinking Opportunities for Rural Elementary Students

Suzie Bosler's 3rd Grade Southeastern Illinois P-16+ Computational Thinking Network (Illinois Innovation Network)

Bosler's 3rd grade class received mini-lessons involving foundations in computational thinking and computer science activities, followed by the integration of hands-on models and technology such as drones, robots, or circuits. Students work together to use coding activities to automate technology and solve problems within their experiments and trial and error phases. After their program is complete, the classroom community hosted a family night for a community presentation of their accomplishments. (EIU Rural Project, 2023)

The purpose of this group is to develop a regional network of educators and stakeholders to support computational thinking and the new CS standards across the region. We also want to provide opportunities for students of all ages to visit locations that use these standards in the workplace.

(EIU Rural Project, 2023)

Eastern Illinois University is located in a rural community in southeastern Illinois. The project is a clear example of engaging students to cultivate digital and physical artifacts using CT skills and methods. Additionally, supporting elementary grades with grants to have access to hands-on, CT-based activities exposes children to skills much earlier in their k12 learning journeys than introducing CS opportunities through isolated coursework in their secondary experiences. Through social knowledge based practices, students worked collaboratively and with their mentors to showcase their CT initiative to their surrounding community. The inclusive practice of connecting to student's inner life, background knowledge and relationships encourages meaningful connections between the artifacts they created and their experiences within their wider community (Mills et al., 2021; Vygotsky, 1978; Darling-Hammond et al., 2020; Mills et al., 2024).


CT Across Disciples 

The second vignette interviews a music teacher, embracing theories of social knowledge and inspired by the maker's movement to employ CT and constructionist skills in his music education program. In the podcast series, "The Human Restoration Project" On Constructionism, Makerspaces, & Music Ed w/ Burton Hable (2022), Nick Covington interviews Burton Hable, a doctoral student at Boston University who discusses using Papert's constructionist theory in order to ioncrease student agency in developing music literacy. Hable wants to create broader, collaborative experiences to respond to the question of what it means to be musical (Covington).

Hable discusses his experiences of teaching in Ankeny, Iowa, working with a team of music teachers who were able to provide personalized and collaborative music instruction. They facilitated this process through student choice in musical selection, support in the transposition of musical pieces for their instruments, and feedback on performance. Student selections range from disco to Disney theme songs, where students reinterpreted and transposed the pieces into their own forms of expression (Covington, 2022).

The process of constructing knowledge best happens when "I can tangibly manipulate and create my knowledge" (Papert, 1980; Hable, 2022). In typical band and music instruction in k12 environments, memorizing scales and isolated practice can tend to be the foundation of the learning experience. Hable's constructivist approach seeks to broaden definitions of musical literacy to a multi-literacy approach, that embraces music technology, recoding, production, and digital audio workstations (Covington, 2022).

Finally, cultural context is an extremely important aspect of Hable's approach, where students "translanguage" through music by embracing music of their own heritage, or experience historical forms of historical musical experiences important to peers around them. Through historical data collection and analysis, decomposition, and pattern recognition, students find and reinterpret pieces that are significant to their own identity (Hable, 2022). 


CT Community Partnerships in Education

In New York, Cornell Tech's k12 Initiative for computer science works within the nexus of community engagement, school engagement, and policy-maker engagement. At local schools they provide master teachers, train elementary teachers, and provide access to high-quality pedagogical materials. They engage the community by sponsoring events for local service groups, as well as hosting their own family event's on campus that focus on developing coding skills. Finally, host an annual conference on Cornell Tech’s campus, “To Code and Beyond,” that "brings together more than 100 leading organizations and contributors to K-12 CS education" (K-12 Initiative, n.d.)

Figure 6

Community Partnership with Cornell Tech to Make CS Accesible to All

Cornell Tech's homepage banner for the K-12 Initiative at Cornell Tech

Below is their mission statement and an outline of their objectives:

We believe that, starting in elementary school, all children should have access to the computer science content and computational thinking strategies they’ll need as digital citizens. In collaboration with our partners, we work to transform K-12 education.

We believe

  • Computer Science is for everyone. Every school, every teacher, every student, regardless of age, ability, or even interest.
  • Agency matters. We live in a digital world. Everyone should not only understand how the digital world works, but be able to create digital solutions that are meaningful. We build tools that develop agency for teachers and students.
  • Computing education is best taught with rigor and joy. We work with teachers to help them use proven teaching strategies to bring engaging, challenging content to their classrooms.
  • We learn from others and share what we learn. Whenever possible, we support the use of research-validated content and pedagogy. For the tools we create, like the K-12 Coaching Toolkit and the Computational Thinking Tasks, we conduct research to evaluate their impact and efficacy and publish those results. We surface best practices and challenges at our annual conference, To Code + Beyond, and at K-12 CS education conferences throughout the year.

(K-12 Initiative, n.d.)

Critique and Issues with Implementation

To claim there is a clear and ever-persistent definition of CT would be misleading. In fact, the lack of a clear definition has led to skeptism among some scholars as to its role or impact in education. The work of Selby and Woollard (2013) explore the evolving definition of computational thinking and offer insights into the complexities and challenges of operationalizing CT in educational settings. This lack of clarity could produce significant challenges in the development of clear direction for implementation of the Illinois CS Standards and therefore fail to change the status quo.  

The state of Illinois, like many others, have responded to the call to take seriously the need to embed computer science opportunities for skill develop within k12 education, in order to meet 21st century needs in the workforce and in the world. This examination is just the tip of the iceburg into the complexities of integrating computational thinking more fully and impactfully in Illinois classrooms. One has to consider whether imposing computational thinking across the curriculum for k12 students is a good choice for all learners? Will the effective implementation of CT across the curriculum bring change to equitable participation in computer science?

Mills et al. (2021) address these questions when they explain that all CT opportunities will not produce the change we wish to see in the landscape of computer science innovation. They caution,

It is important to remember that not all opportunities to integrate computational thinking will provide students with the same opportunities to build computational skills in ways that are equitable, including ways that promote student agency and deepen disciplinary learning (Coenraad et al., 2021; Waterman et al., 2020 as cited by Mills et al., 2021, p. 33)

One can argue that the core components of computational thinking are all very much apart of our world today. Humans use technology as a cognitive partner to schedule their lives, as a source of information, and to learn new skills. Whether or not existing in a computational world is not really up for debate, but what is the value of emphasizing CT in the classroom and leveraging this way of thinking for problem solving and knowledge creation? The bigger, systemic issues of power and privilege, lack of inclusive practices in the classroom, and biased perceptions of who should participate in CS all impact the outcomes of the effectiveness of incorporating CT in our classrooms (Kalantzis & Cope, 2005; Gretter et al., 2021; Mills et al., 2021; Jocius et al., 2023). CT can be a form of transformative practice in education but only if there is great intentionality to grapple with these larger systemic issues through its implementation. 

Reframing the significance of CS is going to need to be a cultural change, and in essence, a return to a more comprehensive understanding of the systemic aspects that still create inequity. A constructivist, inclusive approach to CT embraces difference, social meaning making, and supports learner difference in ways that could potential impact greater issues of equity in education.





Discussion & Suggestions for Illinois Implentation

CS in Illinois has to prove that it is a vehicle for equity and it must become possible for districts to implement CS standards in a way that benefits educators and learners. Current barriers to equity in the implementation of the Illinois CS Standards are perceptions of who should partipate in CS, as well as a lack of understanding from administrators and educators that CT can instigate inclusive pedagogical practices that are imperative for enabling transformative experiences in k12 classrooms. 

Some considerations for Illinois administrators tasked with communicating strategies to k12 districts could include considerations of implementing computational thinking across disciplines outlining approaches for ELA, Social Studies, and the arts. This approach is a low-cost and effective way to provide educators with pedagogical approaches and increase opportunities for all learners to perceive the value of CT (Kafai & Burke, 2014; Jocius et al., 2023). Additionally, CT has the potential to become a transformative practice if wrapped within inclusive pedagogies and the intentionality to tackle issues of inequity in CS in Illinois. Like in the case of Hable's approach music education approach, CT education has to include a student's identity, provide opportunity for transposing knowledge, and create artifacts that live in the world and reflect that identity. 

Secondly, using social pedagogical approaches to computational thinking policy makers, districts, and additional stakeholders could develop cultures of inclusive, supportive, and collaborative computing through community partnerships. As evidenced in Eastern Illinois University's intitiative, as well as the k-12 Initiative at Cornell Tech, communities and schools need partners to create a deeper sense of shifts in perception about CS, which could include better access to diverse mentors, teacher training, facilities and resources, and engaging policymakers. 

Further research can and should be done on teacher training in implementing CT/CS across the curriculum for all ages, as well as the importance of community partnerships and their potential impacts on cultural shifts in perceptions about CS. Additionally, technology like AI should be investigated as a potential partner in education for all students to more aptly address the various learner differences and needs in the classroom, as well as supporting CT skill development for all learners. 




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