World Universities Forum’s Updates

Universities have fed India’s Tahrir moment | Issue No:254 | Image courtsey of Frederick "FN" Noronha

About 40% of the more than 17 million students enrolled in Indian higher education are women, many of them struggling against great odds to pursue academic careers. Academic ambition beyond a masters or a professional education is frowned upon. But for those who do manage to stay on, the university often comes to be the first public space for the articulation of their rights as women, writes Ayesha Kidwai for The Globe and Mail.

Since the late 1970s, the Indian women’s movement has been fed by women student activists; however, the protests that Delhi and India have witnessed following the gang rape and murder of a 23-year-old medical student have been unprecedented and honestly, unexpected. Not only hundreds and hundreds of young women turned out to protest, but as many, if not more, young men did as well. Read More...