e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies’s Updates

Matt Glowatz Joins the e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies Advisory Board

Matt Glowatz is Assistant Professor at University College Dublin (UCD)’s College of Business delivering both undergraduate and postgraduate modules covering Digital Business and Social Media Strategy, Data Analytics for Competitive Advantage, Project Management and Digital Innovation.

Matt delivers undergraduate and postgraduate modules focusing on digital business, social media strategy, digital project management and innovation. Students have responded with enthusiasm to his pioneering use of innovative educational technologies as a way of enhancing their learning experience. These innovations have provided the basis for a number of contributions by Matt to the scholarship of teaching and learning. He is especially interested in digital learning and his doctoral research is on how augmented reality might be used to effectively deliver content for distance learning students. His interest in distance learning and learning in different cultures is reflected in the enthusiasm he has brought to his role as Subject Area Coordinator on our overseas modules. As part of this role he initiated, re-designed and implemented a new BBS Digital Business pathway in our Singapore and Hong Kong programmes and re-imagined a range of our undergraduate modules.

Matt received twice the Excellence in Teaching Awards in the Higher Diploma of Business Studies (IT) programme and won the Educational Contribution Award at the Irish Internet Association's Net Visionary Awards 2006 recognizing his significant contribution to the Irish Internet Industry through education.

In July 2015, Matt has been appointed co-chair of the Bled e-Conference special interest group focusing on Education in the Digital Economy.

In June 2017, he was awarded with the Bled eConference Fellow Award 2017 in appreciation of outstanding contributions to the Bled eConference

Furthermore, he has also published numerous research articles and conference contributions.

Learn more about the e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies Advisory Board here.