Inclusive Museum’s Updates

Antonio Arantes – 2019 Plenary Speaker

The Twelfth International Conference on the Inclusive Museum is pleased to announce Antonio Arantes as a 2019 Plenary Speaker.

Antonio A. Arantes received his BA and MSc degrees from Sao Paulo University, Brazil, and his PhD from University of Cambridge/Kings College. He is a professor of Social Anthropology at UNICAMP - State University of Campinas, Brazil, and director of Andrade e Arantes Consultancy. He is past-president of the Brazilian Anthropological Association (ABA) and the Latin American Anthropological Association (ALA). His expertise on public policies and cultural heritage was consolidated in consultancy assignments to several programs developed by non-governmental, governmental, and multilateral organizations such as UNESCO and WIPO. He developed significant professional experiences in policymaking and management of public institutions as president of the Sao Paulo State Council for Historic Preservation (CONDEPHAAT), and of the Brazilian National Institute for Historic and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN). Under his presidency in IPHAN, the Department of Immaterial Heritage and the National Program for Immaterial Cultural Heritage were implemented. He gave workshops on cultural heritage inventory methods in Brazil, Madagascar, and Mozambique; developed several academic research projects; and published books, articles, and technical reports about cultural heritage in the context of contemporary social experience and on related subjects. Relevant intellectual contributions in the field to cultural heritage also include the development of the methodology adopted by the Brazilian Ministry of Culture for the National Inventory of Cultural References, as well as papers presented in national and international experts' meetings, particularly in France, Japan, and India.

Submit your proposal to the 2019 conference here.