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Entrepreneur Active Learning

Entrepreneur Active Learning


I believe Entrepreneur activity based learning needs to be added to this list as an active learner concept. Many entrepreneurs are using the internet and other people’s experiences and advice to start companies, real estate ventures and home based business by selling goods online.

These individuals are not going to a class and memorizing information to learn how to start a business venture. I will use myself as an example of what I was able to learn and accomplish by looking up information, using others experiences/lessons learned and applying it to sell my own home. This will be a good example because it demonstrates the lateral data flow versus the hierarchical data flow that we used to depend on.

I started off by searching all sites related to (FSBO) For Sale by Owner https://www.forsalebyowner.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw3ebdBRC1ARIsAD8U0V7K1CmMwvXS_2bKpJ7NuLPA8LxLMoUDQA_wO5X7AGm-g__htR_oJ5saAuj4EALw_wcB.

I did a lot of reading and searching for ways that I wanted to sell my home. I also looked up the needed documents for the state that I resided in and even called the Title Company for advice and clarification if needed on certain documents and processes. I posted my house online through several websites and within 2 months I had a buyer for my house. I acted as the realtor of my home by showing, selling, advising the buyer, scheduling all needed appointments, and drafting the contracts. I taught myself how to be realtor with no formal education!

After I sold my home a created a one hour class for the community where I lived to teach others how they could do the same thing and save their family thousands of dollars. I spent a total of $220 on selling my home and spent many hours learning through the internet how to sell my home and it was all worth it!

(Bart Tkaczyk, 2014) In knowledge-based economies, “knowledge” is the key to wealth. So, when playing to win, professionals need to continuously learn and self-develop. But what happens if you marry the ideas of “learning’ with “entrepreneurs”? You get a special kind of learner: the Learning Entrepreneur. (Link to full article below)


This is another article that explains why activity based learning is crucial for entrepreneurs. https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/316736