e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

More efficient feedback with blended learning

The most relevant aspect os ubiquitous learning to me is the exceed the frontiers os space and time.

Because of this we can take part in the time of the students subjectivity, not the time of the clock. In this perspective, we can give more efficient feedback.
For exemple, on this year I did a project in partnership with a Geography teacher. The purpose was to make the students aware about the most importante river in our city. The condition of the river is terrible by pollution.

So we have ten classes with 35 students each. And in each one we made five small groups. We used the LMS Moodle to centralize students output as well as project information (Moodle is the official platform in the school). 

So to make possible have different perspectives of work, we made a design thinking class at the beginning and based on the results of this class we start to design the projects with the small groups of students. We used google docs to register and track students outcomes. But we have students working with other apps. Um group wanted to prototype an app so they used https://marvelapp.com 

At the end they published their results in a page on Google Sites.

You can see the process by clicking on this link:


(There are some links on the text too)


As well the students production:
