e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Makerspaces as active learning environments

Makerspaces are wonderful places to see active learning in action. In these spaces, students (and adults!) have the opportunity to explore and try new things. These spaces can be utilized in an education setting when tied to learning outcomes because it puts nearly all of the responsibility for creating knowledge in the hands of the learner. Makerspaces truly inspire a sense of play and discovery. 

Engineering problem solving and design processes are essential skills for the future, regardless of field one might pursue. Makerspaces can help students learn not just content, but other important skills--such as teamwork, perseverance and coping with failure. Understanding the iterative nature of design is another important thing one could learn in a makerspace. 

When allowed to "play" in a makerspace, students can learn specific content through their designs. If tied to learning outcomes, the teacher can facilitate the discovery through asking questions, while also allowing students to check in on each other's projects. Having students also present what they have done to each other while in the space can further stimulate critique and help all students build the same knowledge together. 

Makerspaces in Schools

Creating a Makerspace in schools 

More on creating a makerspace in a classroom

As a robotics and engineering teacher, I see students inventing all the time and it is amazing to watch the learning that happens here!

  • Jenny23 rao23