e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Ubiquitous learning in the context of Blended learning

I would like to discuss about ubiquitous learning in the context of Blended learning.

For me, High Quality Blended Learning involves an e-learning approach based on a variety of techniques already used by teachers all over the world. With the help of technology and the Internet, some classroom activities have become virtual activities which can be carried out away from the classroom generating a sense of intrinsic motivation on the students’ part. High Quality Blended Learning takes place in a teaching and learning atmosphere where students have the opportunity to keep in touch with a learning process facilitator through ICTs or have a face-to-face interaction with them and with their classmates. More things about Blended Learning may be said and watched here http://www.blendedlearning.org/directory/; nevertheless, in my humble opinion, blended learning is a method of learning, which combines face to face classes happening in a classroom and the use of technology guided by the professor with the intention that students learn also at their own pace outside the traditional face to face classroom environment and their own path which all of this leads us to ubiquitous learning where time and space we see not in a traditional way. Usually, this method is used by professor with the intention of helping students to take advantage of the resources and technology to maximize their learning experience and motivate them to learn more!

For example there is a model of blended learning - a station-rotation which includes: 1) individual work with the computer (maybe some rules, some test, some vocabulary or grammar exercises); 2) a small group with the teacher (with me) because then students have a possibility to get some help or guidenss from me, also 3) group work with the peers where students can help each other and work together. And everywhere they use their own pace and path also space and time which all of this leads us to ubiquitous learning.

Here are some links about blended learning and personalized learning:



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  • John Will
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