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A Better Hospital Chair For Moms To Nurture Premature Babies

Image Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons | Article Link | by Mark Wilson

For the parents of babies born prematurely, the neonatal unit can be the setting of a nightmare. No one is there by choice, and babies are separated by the dystopian translucent prisons of incubation. Moms and dads may be encouraged to hold the child for vital skin-to-skin contact—especially for breastfeeding in this critical time—yet the only seats are often fold-out chairs in cramped quarters.

The Embrace Chair, by Design Academy Eindhoven graduate Ricky Kloosterman, is a seat designed to bring paternal warmth and privacy to a public space. The outer shell wraps around a bed of hospital-grade leather, providing both a cocoon for coddling as well as easy sterilization and cord management for monitors and IV drips.