Aging and Social Change’s Updates

Kieran Walsh – 2017 Plenary Speaker

Aging and Society: Seventh Interdisciplinary Conference is pleased to announce Kieran Walsh as a 2017 Plenary Speaker.

Kieran Walsh is Acting Director of the Irish Centre for Social Gerontology, and Project Director of Project Lifecourse at the Institute for Lifecourse and Society in the National University of Ireland Galway. Kieran has extensive experience in interdisciplinary social gerontology and life-course research. He has played a leading role in the development of mixed-method approaches for national and cross-national projects, and has led on international multi-site and interdisciplinary research programmes. Kieran’s research interests and expertise focus on: social exclusion in later life; the relative nature of disadvantage in cross-national contexts; place and life-course transitions and trajectories; the influence of the institutional life course; and informal and formal infrastructures of care. Kieran is also Chair of the European COST Action CA15122 on ‘Reducing Old-Age Social Exclusion’ (ROSEnet), which has over 120 members from 37 different countries. With objectives that address critical gaps in research, policy, and international interdisciplinary research capacity, ROSEnet aims to overcome fragmentation in conceptual innovation on old-age exclusion across the life course, in order to address the research-policy disconnect and tackle social exclusion amongst older people.

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