Phase 5 | Copy Editing


After your manuscript has met the requirements of Phase 4 | Style / Formatting, it will be moved into Phase 5 | Copy Editing. Your manuscript will be copy edited to correct grammar, spelling, and syntax issues. You may be asked to correct or resolve minor issues during this phase. Once all copy-editing notes are resolved, you will receive a typeset proof in Phase 6 | Final Typesetting for a final inspection. 

Please note that no content updates to the manuscript can be made in this phase.

Step-by-Step Guide | Responding to Publishing Admin Requests

Step 1Sign in to CGPublisher 

Your manuscript will be queued for copy editing after Phase 4 | Style / Formatting has been completed. You will receive an email from the CGRN Journal Publishing Team when copy editing has been completed. Sign in to CGPublisher with your CGScholar account information and download the copy edit file from the Documents tab of your Works page.

Step 2: Inspect the Copy Edits

Review notes highlighted within the copy edit document. All edits must be made within the locked document provided. After you have completed the corrections noted by the CGRN Journal Publishing Team, please also incorporate minor corrections of your own, such as mistakes in punctuation, grammar, citations, dates, and factual inaccuracies. Please note that changes to content will not be accepted at this phase. All corrections and author edits must be complete when returning this document. After all copy edits are complete, no further changes will be allowed.

Step 3: Submit Corrections

Once you have completed your corrections, upload your file to the Documents tab on your Works page. Your manuscript must remain in the locked document provided. The CGRN Journal Publishing Team will review your revisions. If needed, further revisions may be requested.

Frequently Asked Questions 

How long does it usually take for Phase 5 | Copy Editing to be completed? Articles are copy-edited in the order they were moved into the queue. This step requires skilled labor and takes a considerable amount of time, anywhere from 30 to 90 days, depending on the current volume of articles. Once your copy-edited manuscript has been prepared by our editorial staff, we will provide notes for author edits/corrections. We appreciate your patience during this phase.

Can you expedite my manuscript? We are unable to accommodate requests to expedite manuscripts. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

Why is my document locked? Your document is specially formatted to track your changes automatically and to preserve the journal formatting. All edits must be made within the locked document.

How do I edit the locked document? All revisions need to be made directly in the text itself. Please do not respond to queries using the comment feature.

What do I do if there are formatting errors in the locked document? The locked document does not allow certain formatting revisions. The CGRN Journal Publishing Team will correct formatting errors once you have returned your copy-editing corrections.

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