CGPublisher | Overview

CGPublisher is the journal management tool for CGScholar. Here are some of the key features of CGPublisher:

  • Works Page: each article submission has its own Works page. This page is where you follow progress, communicate with our publishing team, and receive or share documents. Take this link to find out how to access your Current Works.
  • Phases: CGPublisher frames the journal workflow in Phases. Take this link to see an overview of the phases in our publication process. 
  • Tasks/Queries: within each Phase, you’ll be guided by one of our journals team using Tasks. You can also ask our team questions as Queries on your articles Works page. Take this link to learn more about responding to Tasks or asking Queries.   
  • Documents: on your Works page, you’ll find a Document section where you’ll find all the essential documents you need along the publication workflow. Take this link to learn more about accessing and sharing documents.
  • Points: you can collect Points within the CGScholar scholarly communication ecosystem and use them in the Rights Agreement phase. Take this link to find out more about Points.

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