Community School Museums: Intercultural and Inclusion Vision


The project, Community School Museums-COSMUS, seeks to value the European cultural heritage as a central element of diversity, inclusion and intercultural dialogue. The project aims to establish strategic and virtuous interactions between broad spectrums of dialogue namely: 1. Schools, knowledge and education. 2.Community, social, territorial and economic development. 3. School Museum, memories, identities and territories. Changing the world requires one step at a time. The COSMUS project is the first step in this process, by way of teaching the participants knowledge of diverse cultures and an understanding of how to live together, in a perspective of global citizenship. The main objective is to develop strategies of social integration, intercultural understanding, a sense of belonging and of valuing people. These strategies are achieved in the contexts of school, community and the city through 6 intercultural museums and 1 online museum. The consortium comprises 4 universities, 4 international organizations, 15 schools, two media partners and 2 municipalities. The project is developed using designed methodologies, interdisciplinary innovative sustainable development, team-based work, research-action and reflection processes. Flexible approaches to the complexity of themes and problems will have been established through communities of learning and practice, knowledge building, critical sense and the involvement and participation of the educational community. Reference activities earmarked for this project include, competitions, content production, intellectual outputs, training and learning, a festival, exhibitions, transnational meetings and a multiplier event. From these activities we expect to obtain several results, tangible and intangible, that will last long after the project’s completion.


Miguel Feio
Professor / PhD Researcher, Education / Museum - UNITWIN Chair: Education, citizenship and cultural diversity, Escola Superior de Educação Jean Piaget/PhD Researcher Lusófona University, Portugal


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Community School Museums, Inclusion Education, Sociomuseology