Representation of Diverse Histories in Europeana: How the Europeana Collections Team is Planning to Diversify Curation and Editorials


This study considers how the Europeana Collections Engagement team is updating its editorial strategy and is undertaking action to improve the representation of marginalised communities through curation efforts. Europeana will actively promote BIPOC, LGBTQ+ narratives, and stories from and about people with disabilities and different religious backgrounds, and will open discussions around our past and its impact on our modern lives. This paper outlines the context in which Europeana’s Diverse Histories strategy has been developed, the actions that will be undertaken, and the goals that Europeana aims to achieve in collaboration with partners from all over Europe and beyond. We’ll reflect on the editorials that have already been published and future plans in education.


Jolan Wuyts
Europeana Foundation, Collections Engagement Team, Netherlands , Netherlands

Marijke Everts
Europeana Foundation, Netherlands


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Editorial, Diversity, Inclusivity, Curation, Narratives, Stories, Blogs