The Place of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Educational Processes


This project, being developed in CeiED/ULHT, seeks to identify and reflect on initiatives in the area of intangible cultural heritage that encourage the recognition and appreciation of cultural diversity and citizenship in greater Lisbon schools, Portugal. The objective is to point out good practices under development or whose realization is possible, which can be replicated and expanded in future actions, encouraging the use of Portuguese intangible cultural heritage in educational institutions through the establishment of networks or partnerships between the various spaces involved. Thus, it seeks to establish instruments for reflection, transformation and approximation between community and heritage, through the use of cultural manifestations and processes in formal and informal educational dynamics. Considering, in a global context, the great expansion of extremisms based on conservative and reactionary conceptions of culture and education and the search for pure or original identities, using these concepts as a way to legitimize exclusions, racisms and violations of fundamental rights, understanding educational policies and the interface between national and local cultural and heritage is of immense and immediate importance. The objective, therefore, is to collect experiences about heritage, based on the interconnections between schools and museums. The questions we propose will also address the way in which each school and each museum is (or isn’t) taking actions, on, with and through cultural heritage, as well as sensitive contemporary issues and how heritage promotion can be used as a tool for social or economic development, based on citizenship and inclusive initiatives.


Maristela Simao
Professor of the Department of Museology, Department of Museology, Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Portugal

Angelo Biléssimo
PhD Candidate, Department of Museology, Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias

Nathália Pamio Luiz
Project Officer, Technical Unit, Ibermuseums Program, Portugal


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Sociomuseology, Heritage Education, Intangible Cultural Heritage, Social Development, Inclusive Education