University Museums for Special Education Teacher Training: Innovative Practices at the Museum of Educational History of Macerata University


This contribution illustrates an innovative university training course addressed to primary in-service and pre-service teachers supporting students with disabilities, in particular with visual impairments. The innovation of the workshop (“Lesson in the dark”) consists of using cultural heritage and the museum environment as a significant educational means and context for the training of special educators. Implemented in the Museum of Educational History of the University of Macerata, the workshop included various activities, which participants have been invited to carry out in a condition of temporary deprivation of sight. As a result, teachers have experienced first-hand the difficulties of a blind pupil in everyday school life, and understood the importance of setting up an inclusive environment in the classroom. At a later stage, teachers have produced accessible descriptions of objects, exhibits and environments: this activity has developed useful skills for teachers on the one hand and, on the other, has improved the accessibility of the museum itself. Participants’ feedback (observations, group discussions and questionnaires) indicates the workshop offered the opportunity for teachers: to acquire greater knowledge and awareness of the condition of disability; to understand the importance of accessible modes of communication (i.e. facilitated language and audio-description); to learn multisensory working methods that can be easily replicated at school in order to facilitate inclusion and acceptance of diversity in the classroom environment.


Anna Ascenzi
Full Professor, Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism, University of Macerata, MC, Italy

Sofia Montecchiani
University of Macerata, Italy

Marta Brunelli
Associate Professor in General and Social Education, Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism, University of Macerata, Macerata, Italy


Presentation Type

Online Poster




Special Education, Museums Of Educational History, Teacher Training, University Teaching