Social Innovation in Arts: The Art of Mosaic as a Tool to Upcycle Material in a Fragmented Society


On the one hand, we see people living in isolated fragments instead of a harmonious society, as it should be. On the other hand, we are living a chaotic times with climate change and increases in domestic rubbish. The society we live in adds more and more borders (sometimes invisible). The main purpose of this workshop is to create a conversation about this fragmented society. What do artistic practices and creativity activities have to do with the education about new citizens? Can we be effective in creating consciousness for the next generation regarding the use of plastic and domestic rubbish? How can an artistic project can combine these two sensitive issues?! The independent researcher in social innovations on arts, Cris Piloto, shares insights and experiences about the educational program named ‘Cola Caco’ designed by her in Brasil and running nowadays in Italy. Based on practical activities and researches in the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Cris wrote her first book about this program, which includes volunteering, environmental education, and the art of mosaic. In this workshop, Cris shares how the program is designed to connect people using the art of mosaic -and participants will engage in this activity. The mosaics here represents the concept of reconstruction and reconciliation among the fragmented parts of the society.


Teresa Cristina Piloto de Oliveira
Student, Universitá degli Studi di Padova, Italy


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation




Society, Mosaic, Environmental issues, Borders, Education, Social innovation