Developing Practices to Support Bilingual Experiences at the Museum : Language as Access and Inclusion


Every summer the Art Institute of Chicago’s (AIC) department of Learning and Public Engagement in partnership with Chicago Public Libraries, welcomes an important number of Hispanic and Latinx families (often for the first time) in the museum. In these visits language often presents itself as a challenge to successfully engage with multigenerational audiences whose proficiency in English varies and creates asymmetrical power dynamics in which visitors find it hard to engage. Based on case studies in other museums around the U.S. and the experience of educator’s at AIC, this research presents a set of recommendations to develop in-gallery teaching practices to transcend the barriers of language and think of ways to acknowledge language diversity (for this specific case, Spanish) to include other voices. These recommended techniques are thought to be essentially adaptable and flexible, using existing abilities and skills of our staff, acknowledging the difficulties of capacity building. Some questions that guide the research: What are the barriers of English-only experiences in the museum? How can educators create sustained practices that support bilingual and multilingual approaches, to truly convey the values of a visitor-centered museum? How to embrace access, diversity, and inclusion through in-gallery teaching practices? The museum as a civic institution should be committed to creating a sense of belonging, ownership, and empathy. Language as a tool and representation has the potential to create such spaces where cultural identities can be fluent, visible, and enhanced. Language is about choice, voice and ownership, building identity and performing it freely.


Giannella Ysasi Tavano
Woman's Board Fellow, Learning and Public Engagement , Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Visitor Diversity, Inclusive Museum, Multilingualism, Languages and Culture, Access