Educating Diversely: The Artist Talk Platform


Artist-teachers can inspire diverse audiences to adopt innovative teaching practices through artist talks fueled by a social justice and awareness-raising agenda. This paper presents ways to incorporate social problematics like mass displacement and pressing international immigration policies into diverse art classrooms and unconventional pedagogical platforms (in this case, through artist talks). It focuses on an artist talk given in a specific community in Montreal, Canada and explores how the artist-talk platform reaches communities outside the traditional classroom and creates space for an exchange of ideas, artistic intervention, and learning from diverse participants. Additionally, I discuss my observations on potential pedagogical exchanges based on experiences from the event, concluding by further exploring the relevance and potential development in personal artistic and teaching practices for and with this specific community.


Arianna Garcia Fialdini
Faculty, Art Education, Concordia University


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Artist talks, Social justice, Pedagogical platforms, Diverse audiences