Children as Curators: Laying Out the Terrain


The trend to delegate curation of exhibitions to wider publics through different methods such as specific programs or social media has given rise to vigorous debate. I am interested in documenting and reflecting upon how art galleries have tried to make their exhibits accessible to all and how they have invited specific groups of new young visitors to participate in the articulation of the museum space. I examine the shift from using museums as a place to educate and transmit knowledge, to a place where children can exercise choice through different interactions with their surroundings. Having the opportunity to participate in this way helps children become open to new ideas, develops their creativity, and encourages questioning. Allowing children to curate and engage in “meaningful play” through designing an exhibit will shed light on what is best suited and receptive to the changing needs of young museum visitors (Huizinga 1949/2014). This study provides a brief overview of a few different curatorial initiatives of this kind as well as some initial thoughts on the pedagogical and collaborative practices that were used with the young curators.


Emma June Huebner
Art Education, Concordia University , Quebec, Canada


Presentation Type

Online Lightning Talk




Children, Curator, Museum, Play