Salary Transparency in Museums


I’m a first generation immigrant who is currently an MA candidate in Museum and Exhibition Studies at the University of Illinois Chicago. When I came to the U.S., by myself, at age 17, I did not speak English, had no experience going to museums, knew little about art, and certainly didn’t feel I belonged in a museum. All of that changed when I took my first art history class: a whole new world of ideas and stories opened up and I knew that I wanted to share them with others. I want to see more people who look like me in leadership positions at museums and cultural institutions. I want to see us redefine what these spaces can be and look like. My study focuss on one of the most overlooked aspects of museums: the culture of secrecy around salaries in art museums and use two organizations as case-studies. During my first semester, I began my research on salary transparency and learned about the work of educator and leader of the Art + Museum Transparency movement, Michelle Millar Fisher, who has recently agreed to be an advisor for my thesis. My research seeks to reimagine how museums can be sites of transparency, hope, and possibility. I want to inspire people of color, who might never have the chance to visit museums, or who may think they don’t belong in one, to consider a career in museums with confidence by taking positive risks, and advocating for themselves.


Tracy Montes
Manager of Marketing and Communications, Museum and Exhibition Studies, Hyde Park Art Center


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Museum, Salary, Transparency, Money, Negotiation